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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Alina Kravchenko
Date of birth June 7, 1992
Place of birth Avdeevka, Donetsk region
Schools 1999–2009 School ¹ 69 of Donetsk
Universities 2013–2015 Donetsk National Technical University (master degree), Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation, specialty "Control Systems and Automation";
2009–2013 Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor degree), Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation, specialty "Control Systems and Automation"
Average score Average score during Bachelor course 4,36
Languages Russian and Ukrainian language – perfectly, English – intermediate
Hobbies and interests Literature, tourism, cheerleading
Personal qualities Punctuality, responsibility, communication, activity, commitment, without bad habits
Professional and computer skills 1.Operating systems: MS DOS, Windows 2000/XP/VISA/7/8, Linux.
2. Applications: MS Office, MS Visio, Matlab, Mathcad, Kompas 3D.
3. Programming languages: C/C++, Assembler.
4. Programming languages for microcontrollers: FBD, LD, Graphic assembler.
5. Environments: Visual Studio, RS-Logix, AVR Studio, STEP 7
Professional experience AVTOMATGORMASH, 1 mounth, practice from the University
Future plans Find a decent job with the possibility of career growth
Contact information Å-mail: KravchenkoAlina92@yandex.ru