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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Alexey Baldy
Date of birth Feb 14, 1992
Place of birth Donetsk city
Schools 1999–2009 School ¹30
Universities 2009–2013 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, Specialty "Economics of Enterprise", Bachelor
2013–2015 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, Specialty "Innovation Management", Master
Average score 4.46
Languages Russian, Ukrainian - Fluent. English – Intermediate.
Personal achievements Lucky
Hobbies and interests Board policy and role-playing games, classic literature, fitness, innovation in the sphere of computer, mobile and automotive equipment, shooting
Personal qualities Analytical mind, openness and willingness to learn and new perspectives, the ability to make decisions in difficult situations, analyze and synthesize information to solve problems, vitality, team work skills.
Professional and computer skills Operating systems: all Windows, Linux (Ubuntu)
Applications: Microsoft Office and other text editors, 1C Enterprise: accounting.
Future plans Getting a job in the specialty, improving English language skills, the development of public speaking skills, opening their own business.
Contact information alexey.baldy@gmail.com