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DonNTU Master Yemets Alexander

Yemets Alexander

Institute of Mining and Geology

Department of environmental activities

Speciality «Integrated use of subsoil»

Improving the efficiency of the mining enterprise based on rational mining

Scientific adviser: Ph. D., Shaforostova Marina




Natural resources include land and mineral resources, flora and fauna, forest and water resources, air and climate pool. They are unevenly distributed. As a result, different regions, countries, regions, and even entire continents have different resourcing, ie the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the size of their use. This figure for each type of resource can be expressed in either the number of years that should be enough of the resource or its reserves per capita.

The history of the development of natural resources and the subsoil in the scientific literature and in practice, considered only as a source of mineral raw materials, despite the fact that since ancient times, man has used the cave, water, heat thermal springs, built underground structures etc. The concept of «integrated development of mineral resources», ie, the totality of their resources, was first put forward by Acad. N.V. Melnikov in the early seventies of the last century, ie only three decades ago.

Acad. A. Agoshkov [1] notes that in a short period is not yet fully formed entity, the meaning and importance of the new concept. There are divergent opinions, allowed the identification of concepts «integrated development» and «integrated use» bowels. Minerals is the only part of the field, which, in turn, is only one of the main types of mineral resources beneath the ground. In other words, it is interrelated objects of different levels of the hierarchy, have much in common, but complete identification is inadmissible.


Complex problem and rational use of natural resources is particularly relevant in the Donetsk region. A large number of technically obsolete state coal companies operating today only because of government subsidies, as well as a large amount of accumulated over the last century can not waste further leave this issue without consideration and adoption of certain decisions.

Feasibility of using waste and improve the efficiency of coal mining enterprises, through rational use of resources, caused by the presence of these kinds of effects:

– Primarily economic – as a result of recycling of construction materials cinder blocks, paving tiles, etc.), as well as use as an energy feedstock mine gas CH4;

– Environment – certainly looks positive outlook waste, and lack of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere;

– Social – that is also very important, the employment of a large number of able–bodied population.

Aims and objectives

Purpose of this master's work is a detailed analysis and calculation of ecological and cost–effectiveness of implementation and operation of the mine waste technology for the production of construction products, construction of the roadway, use rocks to fertilize the soil.

Main task of the master's work seems definition feasibility of implementing technologies of mine rocks for production of building products.

A summary of the master's work

Integrated use of raw materials, depending on the specific purpose can be considered separately at any stage of the production of finished products. But to attribute it in mining only the final stage of industrial development of deposits – processing of mined minerals minerals is inappropriate. It is well known that the development of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources enables cost–effective operation involve poorer and less profitable mining companies, thus greatly expands the subsoil resources directly affects the settings for all stages of production, including exploration and mining operations. Economically optimal level of comprehensive utilization of raw materials can be detected only through a systemic approach, taking into account all stages of production. Thus, it is permissible to talk about how the integrated development and integrated use of any useful resource subsoil and individually, and their totality as a whole. And reasonably considered necessary interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach to investigating and resolving any genetic or applications with respect to the bowels of the Earth [2].

As research problems of complex subsurface development replenished and updated list of subsoil resources, revised principles of grouping and classification, and the prospects for economic use, respectively, the scientific problems of Mining Sciences.

So, Acad. MI Agoshkova two decades ago, asked to identify six main groups of subsurface resources by type :

• mineral deposits;

• overburden rocks;

• waste processing and metallurgical production;

• deepest freshwater springs, mineral and thermal waters;

• internal – deep warm depths of the earth;

• natural and man–made (anthropogenic) cavity in the interior of the Earth [1].

Image 1, 2 – Waste dumps

The paper noted unequal development of scientific research and practical achievements for the integrated development of certain types of subsoil resources. The greatest success has been achieved in the field of integrated use only mineral deposits (actually minerals), a practical interest in the development of mining waste originated only in the 1970s. The remaining three groups of mineral resources beneath to 1980 were not included in the set of subsoil resources, which are the subject of mining sciences and mining production, although some examples of successful research and separate not directly associated with the mining operations) of the business applications in various industries were in including in antiquity.

Image 3 – Classification of natural resources (animation: 6 frame; 6 repeat cycles; 17 kb)

Other approaches to the classification of subsoil resources were proposed in prof. YD Dyadkin. In particular, generalizing the work of " Problems of complex subsurface development and utilization of underground space / / Mining Journal, 1990, № 7 " is a classification of subsurface natural resources on their appointment, distribution, and reproduction of natural conditions, corresponding, in general terms, developed and concretized conventional, more general classification of the totality of the natural resources used in environmental management. This approach, of course, quite justified because unlike such resource environments such as oceans, atmosphere and space, the bowels of the earth not only have the highest density and inaccessibility, but most " resursonasyschennostyu, ie, they are part of the prevailing natural resources their volume, value and diversity.

Despite the fact that the proposed classification of the natural subsoil resources is characterized by the author as a simplified, seems very important to clarify the list of resources and the principles of their grouping, compelling anecdotal examples of the practical use of various resources beneath humanity in different eras, and especially, the development of ideas about the features of the study and development of this resource environment.

Extremely important, relevant and well founded are the following proposals, informed by the author:

• selection in the classification of renewable water, microbiological and, especially, the inexhaustible geothermal, space, information, and construction materials) resources. Before this opinion was commonly occurring non–renewable resources subsurface considered, mostly only as a receptacle of minerals;

• author emphasizes the close relationship, spatial interpenetration of different diversion of natural resources, which makes it impossible in principle is selective and complete extraction of the resource environment of any of them without loss, damage quality and pollution, without the «unintentional» recover other resources;

• definitely important and practically important is the allocation of resources by the author information on the material composition, properties of rocks, structural features and conditions of penetration into subsoil, which are accumulated since ancient times, are inexhaustible and provide increased economic and ecological efficiency any mining on the mastery of the totality of the subsurface resources;

• clarification of fundamental importance to the author, «limited» and «non–renewable» mineral resources, meaning not a fact strictly fixed in the depths of their volume water reserves in the world, too, is not unlimited, but only the fact that the pace of ongoing natural reproduction of these resources far several orders of magnitude lower than the rate of consumption. In fact, as a result of geological exploration, development of new areas on the continents and offshore, but mainly as a consequence of reducing the conditional requirements under the influence of changes in the economy and the success of technological progress in the extraction, refining and processing of fossil fuels and ores, their resources are expanding. Expansion of mineral resources and the fight against their depletion is possible only on ways to improve mining technology;

• noting the progressive contamination of the water resources of the planet and the increasing importance of groundwater resources (especially fresh), the author to the actual problems of mining science considers the development of such technology, which would exclude the danger of catastrophic undermining of aquifers, their drainage and water pollution resources. At the same time we need to develop water recycling, use of old workings or special excavation of underground chambers for water accumulation that, as the author found it necessary in ancient Egypt;

• very promising author considers inexhaustible subsurface geothermal resources, which suggested the idea of ​​development in 1898. K. E.Tsiolkovskim, developed in 1920. Acad. V. A.Obruchevym foreign experiments and confirmed 1970–1980 –ies. At the same time the scope of future geothermal energy is almost entirely determined by the development of drilling technology to a depth of 3 – 4km), large–scale destruction of rocks (about 0.2–0.3 km3) and control physical processes in the hot mountain range. In 1977. Fountain pair of wells with extensive hydraulic fracturing hot granodiorite 3km, 185 ° C initiated a lengthy test first geothermal circulation system GCS in the state of New Mexico, USA. In 1983 there fracturing at a depth of about 4 km at a temperature of over 300 ° C created fracture zone (artificial geothermal reservoir) height of 1150 m and a width of 800 and power up to 150m. This was followed in the UK in Cornwall held hydraulic system with the formation of vertical cracks length of 2.5 km. Similar experiments were conducted in Japan, Germany, France, prepared in several other countries, including Russia prepared in St. Petersburg State Mining Institute Technical University) in conjunction with Tyrnyauz tungsten – molybdenum plant Gipronikel and PGE «Nedra»;

• special attention is given to the justification of spatial development perspectives of subsoil resources and developed a detailed classification of natural and technological systems integrated development of underground space for its intended purpose and the relation of natural and technological elements, including those unrelated to mining. In studies note that the underground construction costs are usually more expensive than a similar construction, diversion and functional parameters of the object on the surface, and on current costs of its operation has advantages reduced energy consumption by 30–50 %). In many cases, the option of building underground is taken not to save, and for safety reasons in case of armed conflicts or terrorist threats, as well as due to the inability to create a similar system on the surface subways major cities, transport tunnels under the English Channel, in the highlands etc.) [3]. No ground design strength can not be compared with the strength of the rock mass [4]. Moreover, in [3,4] emphasized reliability, strength, durability, security and, especially, the environmental benefits of the underground location of many facilities and the need to consider the circumstances in the methodology of economic evaluation of underground space, still poorly developed ;

• is the most effective joint integrated development of two or more types of subsurface resources.

Image 4 – Installation for use of water from the mine sump

Image 5 – Installation for coal mine gas


The analysis above information can be learned about the need for a rational approach to the development and use of natural resources. Undoubtedly, an important aspect of the implementation of this approach, as well as further application of the relevant technologies are social, environmental and economic outcomes of these projects. With the appropriate infrastructure, which is undoubtedly inherent in the Donetsk region and the south–east of Ukraine as a whole, the availability of markets, the feasibility of technologies for the use of mine tailings can be no doubt.


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  2. Приоритетные направления научных исследований в области геологических, геохимических и горных наук по изучению, освоению и сбережению недр России /В. А.Жариков, Ю. Г.Леонов, Ю. Г.Сафонов и др.; Под ред. В. А.Жарикова. – М.: ИПКОН РАН, 1996. – 213с.

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