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A fast state reduction algorithm for incompletely specified finite state machines

Authors: S. Denton , A. Allsop
Source: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) / S. Denton , A. Allsop // London, 1996. – pp. 32–38.


This information and guidance was prepared, in consultation with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), by a working group representative of all sides of the mining industry. It represents what members of the working group consider to be good practice. Members of the working group on the prevention and control of fire and explosion in mines.

Fire fighting

Fire-fighting measures

177. The fire risk assessment will help managers determine what type of fire-fighting equipment is appropriate and where to site it.

178. In selecting fire-fighting equipment, managers will need to take account of the nature of the fire hazard. This is particularly important if the fire might involve electrical equipment and/or flammable liquids.


179. For coal mines, Part II of The Coal and Other Mines (Fire & Rescue) Regulations 1956 contain provisions relating to fire precautions and equipment, and the Model Rules on Mine Fires, guidance on the Coal Mines (Owner’s Operating Rules) Regulations 1995 gives guidance on the provision of fire-fighting equipment both above and below ground.

180. For other mines, regulations 31 and 33 of the Miscellaneous Mines (General) Regulations 1959 require the provision of suitable and sufficient means of extinguishing fire at certain places both above and below ground. For further guidance, owners and managers of such mines can refer to the Model Rules on Mine Fires and select the systems and equipment appropriate to their circumstances.

181. Where groups of people work immediately on the return side of areas or equipment giving rise to a higher likelihood of fire, fire-fighting equipment should be grouped to form fire points on the intake air side of the vulnerable areas or equipment. Paragraphs 29-31 of the Model Rules give further guidance on fire points.

182. In areas of the mine where a fire would have particularly high consequence; in particular where more than 50 people work in an area with only one intake, or where there are long single entries, mines should consider as part of their control measures installing automatic fire suppression systems to cover machinery and equipment that might cause a significant fire.

183. In return airways to longwall faces fire-fighting equipment should be kept as close to the face end as is practically possible.

184. In auxiliary ventilated single entries, the fire-fighting equipment within the single entry should be on the intake side of vulnerable equipment within the single entry. Fire-fighting equipment should also be located within the main ventilation circuit, close to the single-entry entrance on the intake side.

185. Fire-fighting equipment should be clearly visible and its location conspicuously indicated with a reflective sign. The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 are relevant and describe suitable signs. It is important that users are able to gain access to the equipment without exposing themselves to risk. Such equipment should not be sited beneath or on the tight side of conveyors or other equipment.

Fire extinguishers

186. Mines should site fire extinguishers:

• In conspicuous positions close to any machinery or equipment that gives rise to the fire risks. Below ground it should be sited on the intake side of the fire risk and in buildings it should be sited close to fresh air;

• On diesel-powered or electrically powered mobile plant and equipment;

• At places where flammable materials are stored;

• In other locations indicated by the outcome of the fire risk assessment.

187. Managers should ensure that fire extinguishers are suitable for the type of fire that may occur and that they have adequate capacity to either extinguish the fire or to contain it sufficiently long enough to allow people to escape. In deciding what is appropriate, managers will need to consider:

• What type of fire might occur;

• What other fire fighting measures are available; for example, mains water, dust or sand;

• What backup provision needs to be made against the possibility that an extinguisher could fail to operate, particularly in safety-critical locations such as winding houses, intake airways or locations where a fire could threaten an escape route.

188. Fire extinguishers should be provided near electric motors (other than those that are part of portable apparatus), transformers or switchgear (including electrical sub-stations, transformer houses, motor rooms and panel trains), workshops below ground (especially those where burning and welding take place), and battery charging and transfer stations.

189. Regulation 5(1)(b) of the Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) Regulations 1956 specifically requires managers of coal mines employing more than 30 people below ground to provide sufficient portable fire extinguishers and a sufficient supply of dust and sand.

190. Regulation 7(b) of those Regulations requires at least one fire extinguisher, or a sufficient supply of dust or sand, to be carried on mineral cutting equipment where there has been, or is likely to be, and ignition of gas

On-board fire fighting systems

191. Where diesel-powered machines are used underground, they should carry both portable fire extinguishers and should be fitted with a fixed fire-quenching system containing sufficient outlets to cover the main potential fire sources.

192. Automatic fire-quenching systems should be capable of manual operation from the operator position and, on large machines, from at least one other suitable position on the outside structure of the machine.

Automatic fire extinguishing system fitted to a rubber-tyred, diesel vehicle for use below ground

193. Where vehicles or other equipment are fitted with a fire-quenching system that relies on the melting of a pressurised plastic tube to release the quenching agent, there is no need to provide for manual operation. The pressurised plastic tube should be carefully routed as close as practicable to the potential fire sources to ensure prompt discharge of the extinguishant. However, the use of such systems should be confined to smaller vehicles and equipment.

194. Battery-powered machines should be fitted with suitable means of extinguishing both battery fires and other types of fire.

Other fire suppression systems

195. Managers should consider installing water barriers, water curtains or other automatic fire suppression systems where the risk assessment identifies places where the response to a fire alarm may be delayed; for example, unattended equipment such as pumps and booster fans that operates in remote locations. While such barriers generally operate automatically by means of a fusible link, manual initiation from a remote point may be desirable where this provides the most effective system to suit the local conditions.

196. When barriers protecting electrical equipment operate automatically, mines should provide a circuit breaker to de-energise the equipment immediately the automatic system operates. This should be arranged to provide an indication to a manned control point that the barrier has operated.

197. Where tensioned wires with fusible links are used in automatic water barriers, a weight or spring applied tensioning system should be provided to ensure that the correct tension is maintained. The automatic valves should be sited out of the anticipated fire-zone and supply lines in the vicinity of the fire-zone should be of steel pipes with fire-resistant couplings. Hoses should not be used.

198. Facilities should be provided to enable routine testing of the automatic fire suppression system.

Mains water fire-fighting systems

204. Paragraphs 29 and 30 of Section 2 of The Model Rules on Mine Fires give guidance on the requirements for fire hoses at coal mines, but its principles apply to other mines where mains water is provided for the purpose of fire fighting.

205. There should be sufficient hoses close to each hydrant on the intake side to reach from the hydrant to the potential fire sources it protects, or to the next hydrant. In long conveyor roadways there should be sufficient fire hoses to enable fire fighting to take place at any point in the roadway. A well laid out and maintained fire point below ground in a coal mine

206. At least one suitable nozzle should be provided with each set of fire hoses.

207. Fire hoses are vulnerable to damage and therefore need storing carefully. They should be placed in racks suspended above floor level, or in suitable containers, and positioned to reduce the likelihood of them being struck or run over by passing vehicles or their loads.

208. Hoses should be coiled ‘male-end-out’ so that they can be connected to the hydrant or the previous hose and run out downstream under tension to avoid kinking.

209. Hoses should not be tied in a reel but should be free to be run out.

210. Fire hoses should not be used for purposes other than fire fighting.


219. The Fire Protection Plan will identify the need to train or instruct mineworkers in fire fighting techniques, and managers should include the arrangements for such training within the training scheme required by regulation 25 of The Management and Administration of Safety and Health at Mines Regulations 1993. The training should be appropriate to the fire hazards identified by the Fire Risk Assessment and the fire fighting measures provided.

220. The scheme should specify who has responsibilities for fire fighting training, both on the surface and below ground. It will also include details of:

• The type of training and refresher training;

• The frequency at which to carry out particular types of training and refresher training;

• Who should receive training (see paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Model Rules on Mine Fires, which form guidance to The Coal Mines (Owner's Operating Rules) Regulations 1993);

• Who should deliver the training;

221. The training scheme should also set out arrangements for on-site instruction and practice in fire fighting.

222. Every person at a mine who may need to use fire-fighting equipment should receive refresher training annually. In addition, they should receive instruction at intervals not exceeding six months; for example, by on-site briefing (toolbox talks) given by a command supervisor who has received suitable training. Paragraphs 5-7 of the Model Rules on Mine Fires give further guidance useful to all mines.

223. The content of the training sessions should include:

• Raising the alarm; • When to attempt to fight a fire and when not to;

• Types of fire extinguishers and their use;

• Fire prevention measures;

• Means of egress in an emergency situation. Surface personnel

224. At mines where there are office and canteen personnel, instruction on the action to be taken in the event of fire needs to be given at least every twelve months. This should include as appropriate:

• Practice in the evacuation of the premises;

• How to deal with fires;

• Use of fire hoses and attachments;

• Practice in the operation of fire extinguishers; and

• Such other provisions that are required by any fire certificate.