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Department ZKK  Mining faculty  Institute of Mining and Geology  Masters portal  DonNTU

Brief resume

Name Sadovoy Mihail
Date of birth July 21, 1992
Place of birth Sverdlovsk, Lugansk region, Ukraine
Schools 1999–2001 — Shakhtyorskaya secondary school ¹ 12
2001–2003 — Shakhtyorskaya secondary school ¹ 6
2003–2009 — City versatile grammar school of Shahtersk.
Universities 2009–2013 — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining Faculty, Speciality Mineral processing, bachelor;
2013–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining Faculty, Speciality Mineral processing, master.
Average score Average score during bachelor course — 4,9;
Average score during master course — 5,0.
Languages Perfectly know Russian and Ukrainian, English at a basic level.
Personal achievements Participated in the scientific conference on mineral processing carried out at the Department of Mineral processing, DONNTU, 2013.
Participated in the International scientific and practical seminar, dedicated 86 Anniversary of Department of Mineral processing, DONNTU, 2013.
Performed research work on Development of technological modes of production of the composite briquettes, which was sent to the NAS award for students in 2013.
The presence of scientific publications in the collections.
Hobbies and interests Music and sport, active leisure.
Personal qualities Responsibility, politeness, mindfulness, discipline, cheerfulness, punctuality.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems:
– Windows;
– Mac OS;
– Linux.
2. Applications:
– Package Microsoft office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), package OpenOffice.org;
– Work in three-dimensional modeling software system Compass 3D;
– Graphic Apps Photoshop CS, ABBYY FineReader.
3. Programming languages: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Additional courses, internships, grants 01.07.2012–01.08.2012 — industrial practice for at Mining factory Proletarian understudy master OP
2014, Driving school of Donetsk, received driving license category B C.
Future plans To find an interesting and well-paid work, same time engage in scientific activities, to become highly skilled in the business and make a significant contribution in the development of the field of mineral processing, create a happy and strong family.
Contact information Email: mihail.33_33@mail.ru