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1. The actuality of the topic

Underground mining is accompanied by a passing extracted significant volumes. In average per 1 ton of coal is necessary to 0.7 waste rock. The total area of allotted land exceeds 2 thousand ha, of which ponds-sediment bowls busy 2400 ha, horizontal septic tanks and sludge ponds about 800 ha, dumps – about 6000 hectares To disturbed lands allocated about 15 thousand hectares of the area occupied by dumping, horizontal tanks and ponds, sludge ponds.

Held on the territory of Donbass studies have shown that dumps with a height of less than 30 m practically does not burn with the height up to 50 m burn 60% of dumps, up to 90 m – 87%, over 90 m – burn almost all dumps.The impact of waste dumps of coal mines and concentrating factories on the natural environment has many aspects, one of which is their thermal state [1].

The control of a thermal condition of waste dumps is to:

a) timely detection of lesions self-heating in existing dumps and adoption of measures to prevent ignition of rocks;

b) evaluate the effectiveness of measures to reduce the intensity of burning waste dumps;

с) obtaining initial data for project design extinguishing or the dismantling of waste dumps;

d) determine the quantity of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere rock dump [9].

On existing non-burning dumps the temperature measurements are made three times a year (may, july, september) and at the depth of 0.5 m from the surface. At the operating burning dumps of the temperature measurements are made twice a year (may and september) at a depth of 0,5 m On nonperforming burning dumps of the temperature measurements are made once a year (august – october) at a depth of 0.5 m [1].

2. Purpose and objectives of the master's work

The aim of the study is to research of formation and changing forms of heaps over time and the study of their qualitative indicators on the basis of the geometrization.

The main objectives of the work are:

  1. Collection and analysis of data on rock piles and tailings located in the territory of active and abandoned mines and database creation;
  2. The study of the timing of burning waste dumps;
  3. Evaluation of the probability of formation of burning zones;
  4. Change of temperature of burning dumps with depth.

3. Scientific novelty

Scientific novelty of the master's work is carrying out comprehensive studies of heaps and dumps mines. Development of measures to reduce the negative impact of waste dumps on the environment and population health. Conducting studies on the burning of waste heaps, changing patterns of piles.

4. The object and subject of research

The object of scientific research. The object of research are piles and waste rock mines of Donbass.

The subject of scientific research. The subject of research are the study of qualitative and quantitative indicators of heaps and dumps mines of Donbass and their impact on the environment.


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  7. НПАОП 10.0-5.37-04 Инструкция по предупреждению самовозгорания, тушению и разборке породных отвалов. Утверждено приказом Государственного комитета Украины по надзору за охраной труда от 26.10.2004 г. №236.
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  10. Зборщик М.П., Осокин В.В. Предотвращение экологически вредных проявлений в породах угольных месторождений. - Донецк.:ДонГТУ, 1996.- 178 с.
  11. Воробьев Е.А. Влияние породных отвалов на окружающую среду / Е.А. Воробьев, С.А. Сокирка, Е.А. Сухарь // VI Международная конференция. Варна. – 2010. – С. 83–88.
  12. Воробйов Є.О. Методи вимірювання температури і газів породних відвалів, що горять. / Є.О. Воробйов, М.О. Ніколенко, С.О. Сокирка // V Науково практична конференція «Донбас – 2020». Донецьк. – 2010. – С. 638–643.