DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Manankova Helen
Date of birth 07.03.1993
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2000–2010 – Donetsk secondary school ¹ 51, Donetsk
University 2010–2014 – Donetsk National Technical University, Department of ecology and chemical technology, Speciality Ecology, environment protection and balanced use of natural resources, bachelor.
2014–2016 – Donetsk National Technical University, Department of ecology and chemical technology, Speciality Ecology, environment protection and balanced use of natural resources, master.
Average score 4.85
Languages Russian, Ukrainian (native), English (basic level)
Hobbies and interests Sports, cooking, traveling, music, reading fiction, animals
Personal qualities Determination, honesty, kindness, hard work, fast learning, teamwork, hard-fought, cheerfulness, sociability, no bad habits.
Personal achievements Was responsible for the design of the site of the faculty. One of the participants environmental group Ecoskyline. Publication of articles. Participation in scientific conferences
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: MS Windows XP, Vista;
2. Application areas: MS Office (Word, Exñel, Access, Power Point), ABBYY FineReader, Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera);
3. Programming languages: Visual Basic;
4. Development Environment: Mathcad, Statgraphics, Compass 3D.
Additional courses, internships, grants 2012 – Getting a driver's license, category Â.
Professional experience 2012 – Training industrial and technological practice, DCP, DCEC, DBG; 2013 — General engineering practice, Donetskkoks.
Future plans After the end of the Judiciary to find interesting work; create a loving, close-knit and happy family; and see the world.
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