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Intensive economic activity and excessive human consumption of natural resources adversely affect the state of the climate system of our planet.

Meteorological data observations indicate that over the past 100 years the average temperature of the Earth's surface has increased by 0,8 °C. According to forecasts by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reputable international Organization Climate – in the next 20 years, growth will average temperature 0,2 °C per decade.

In figure 1 it is a graph of temperature on the concentration of СО2 in the atmosphere.

It is a graph of temperature on the concentration of СО<sub>2</sub>
in the atmosphere

Figure 1 – It is a graph of temperature on the concentration of СО2 in the atmosphere
(animation: 9 frames, 5 cycles of repeating, 108 kilobytes)

The reason for this is the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, delaying the infrared radiation of the Earth (greenhouse effect). On Scientists estimate that over the past 50 years, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by one-third of its original value, and is in the range 0,0393-0,0397 %. There are new, previously did not exist, a substance with greenhouse the absorption spectrum of – first of all it hydrofluorocarbons.

Among the most obvious and tangible effects of climate change, some of which appear today, are the following:

At a climate change may disappear 30-40 % of plant species and animals because their environment will change faster than they can adapt to these changes.

Serious impact can be applied to the poorest countries, the least prepared to adapt to climate change. According to the IPCC, by 2080 number of people facing the threat of hunger could increase by 600 million people.

Recognizing the global nature climate change and realizing the importance of joint Action in its decision, the international community, in December 1997 years, in addition to the UN Framework Convention on Change Climate was adopted the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol was entered into force on 16 February 2005 [1].

1 Theme urgency

It is known that emissions greenhouse gas Ukraine in 2012 year amounted 374,64 million t greenhouse gases, taking into account LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry agriculture). The largest share of greenhouse gases has originated in carbon dioxide - 74,46 % with LULUCF. More than 95 % of carbon dioxide emissions associated with the use fossil fuels in combustion processes or in processes.

The proportion of methane in the total volume Emissions of 16,97 % (63,58 million t in CO2-eq.). The highest methane emissions in the energy sector (66,16 %) derived from coal mines as well as the extraction, transportation, storage, distribution and consumption of oil and natural gas. The agriculture, the main source of methane emissions is enteric fermentation (16,45 %).

Emissions of nitrogen (I) oxide in Ukraine – 36 million t in CO2-eq. The dominant source of emissions of nitrogen (I) oxide in Ukraine is agricultural soils (69,26 % of total emissions nitrogen (I) oxide) [2].

To avoid negative effects of climate change, Ukraine has to take measures to stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions, namely the implementation of projects Joint Implementation in areas such as reconstruction communal heating systems, the introduction of alternative sources energy, coal mine methane utilization, afforestation and others.

2 Goal and tasks of the research

The aim is to the development of activities and projects of joint implementation, operating under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce pollution of the city, reduction of greenhouse gas, reconstruction of boiler equipment and reduce consumption fuel for heat production.

The main tasks:

  1. To analyze the implementation of the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol in Ukraine, in particular in Donetsk region.
  2. To analyze research in the field of measures to reduce greenhouse Gas in Ukraine.
  3. To evaluate the effect on the state of Environmental activities boiler in Donetsk.
  4. Rate ways to reduce greenhouse gases in heating systems.
  5. Suggest the best options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in heating systems of Donetsk.

Object of research: the heating system of the city of Donetsk.

Subject of research: the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in heating systems.

The work will be be the development of activities that will contribute reducing the use of natural gas in heating systems of Donetsk, thereby will be reduced greenhouse gases, namely CO2 and N2O.

3 Prospects for reducing greenhouse gas

Today, total emissions hazardous substances in the Donetsk region is more than 34 % the volume of air emissions Ukraine – to 2013 year emissions pollutants into the air from stationary sources constituted 1447,9 thous. t. In the structure of contaminating substances methane, sulfur dioxide after occupies second place (383,4 thous. t or 26,5 %). As well as methane, a greenhouse gases include nitrogen (I) oxide, emissions are up 81,4 thous. t, or 5,6 % of the regional volume of all air pollutants [3].

Except 1,4 million tons of polluting the air basin substances stationary sources Donetsk region emitted into the atmosphere 60,688 million tons of carbon dioxide, accounting for 30,4 % of its annual volume in Ukraine.

Therefore, the Donetsk region has good prospects of implementation flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol, namely JI implementation.

The majority JI projects in the Donetsk region are sector Mines/mining minerals (52 % of all projects of the region). Among them, the most powerful European project – Recycling coal mine methane at Mine named after A. F. Zasyadko. CMM extracted and recovered during mine works and and because of ventilation of mine, including CMM obtained from surface wells drilled into the gob at Mine named after A. F. Zasyadko, is utilized for: electrical power generation, replacement of heat power that is now generated by coal and gas boilers, production of gas and its use as motor vehicle fuel. Approval of the project allowed at Mine named after A. F. Zasyadko through the sale of quotas in stages until 2012 years 60 million euros. Reducing emissions is 411,273 tons of CO2-eq. [4].

Among all Project of the Donetsk region is the only project that relates to sector Agriculture. The project is called Reduction of CO2 emissions bу systematic utilization of No-till technologies in agricultural industry. No-till technology provides for the ground surface covered with a layer of mulch, i.e. residues of purposely shredded plants. The topsoil is not disturbed creating a protective layer along with the plant residues, which prevents water and wind erosion of soil and ensures much better water retention; in addition, direct sowing nullifies GHG emissions into the atmosphere. No-till technology differs from the conventional technology in that Soil is made up of a smaller number of process operations, whereby almost no failure occurs the surface layer of soil, as well as the nature of the treatment of stubble residues.

To date, the project it is valid. Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide from the 2008 – 560836 t СО2–eq. [5].

However, in Kyoto Protocol There are two sides of the coin. On the one hand, the public It indicates that it is useless to other side – protocol mechanisms affect reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Positive aspects of the Kyoto The protocol is based on the fact that it is a complex process of international explore Earth's climate changes. The results of this complex Research to date suggests that the warming It is growing and wine man in this too. Let not man-made his activity provoked, but because of it the temperature at the planet is increasing faster than it should.

The disadvantage of the Kyoto Protocol is that the industrial development of many of the participating countries sharply stalled and, accordingly, emissions of greenhouse gases are decreased significantly. But other countries, in particular India and China, on the contrary, increased the amount of greenhouse gases emitted in dozens or even hundreds of times. That is, it turned out that by the time the Kyoto agreements, the participants were quite wrong States which really need to limit emissions greenhouse gases.

In 2014, Lima(Peru) hosted the 20th conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The draft document, drawn up at the conference, It will be the basis for negotiations that will prepare the next conference in December 2015 in Paris. That there should be negotiated and signed by world leaders in the new global agreement, which in 2020 he will replace the Kyoto Protocol. For the first time in the history of climate change all 196 countries the UN reported a willingness to take on specific commitments reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  1. Significantly up Kyoto Protocol Implementation – his role a catalyst activity of the entire climate in general: of worldwide energy efficient technologies, renewable energy and the use of natural gas, and support for science education.
  2. In the Donetsk region effectively implementing projects under the Kyoto Protocol.
  3. Analysis of the directions of the Program Reconstruction of municipal heating systems possible to distinguish from a common list of the main measures, the share of the efficiency of which is 70 % of all: the introduction of co-generation plant and optimization of the heating system with individual heat points. These measures should be the priority for implement and improve the efficiency of the heating system in the city Donetsk.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2015. The full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


  1. Протидія глобальній зміні клімату в контексті Кіотських домовленостей / С. Л. Орленко, Я. А. Жаліло, І. В. Трофимова та ін. – К.: НІСД, 2010. – 48 с.
  2. Национальный кадастр антропогенных выбросов из источников и абсорбции поглотителями парниковых газов в Украине за 1990–2012 гг. [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  3. Екологічний паспорт Донецької області (2012 р.) [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  4. Верифікація проекту Утилізація шахтного метану на шахті ім. О. Ф. Засядька [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  5. Звіт з моніторингу проекту СВ Зменшення викидів СО2 шляхом системного застосування технології No-till в сільгоспвиробництві [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: