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Brief resume

Name Krygin Alexandr
Date of birth February 17, 1993
Place of birth Novoazovsk, Donetsk distr.
School 1999–2010 – secondary school № 2;
University Donetsk National Technical University:
institute of Mining and Geology,
department of Geoinformatics and Geodesy,
 2010–2014 – bachelor’s degree;
 2014–2016 – master’s degree
Average score 4.0
Languages  russian, ukrainian – fluent;
 english – upper intermediate.
Personal achievements  2008 – I was awarded a diploma for active participation in the I All-Ukrainian festival-contest Youth chooses health
 2008 – certificate of Donetsk Youth Debate Centre was awarded a for participation in the debate tournament Youth for understanding and respect for ethnic flu
 2008 – granted the certificate of the participant of a seminar training for instructors of the Assistance to Educational Work Equal – Equal the Environment of Youth of Ukraine Program
 2009 – was awarded a certificate of interdisciplinary regional scientific-practical conference Health through Education of Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education
 2009 – was awarded a certificate as a speaker debate tournament "informal youth organizations - a dead end or an alternative?". Issued by the Department of Education Novoazovsk district administration and district public organization
 2006, 2010 – winner of regional competition of maths
 2010 – finished school № 2 with honours
 2013–2014 – participation in scientific conferences at the Department of Geoinformatics and Geodesy
Hobbies and interests Volleyball, basketball, table tennis, outdoor activities, camping, movies, music
Personal qualities Commitment, learning, responsiveness, ability to work in a team and independently.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
2. Applications: ArcView; AutoCAD, МГсети, Digitals, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Word, Power Point).
3. Programming languages: Pascal, SQL
4. Environments: Borland Delphi.
Additional courses, internships, grants  2013 – the driving license category B;
Future plans Successful Master's degree, work in specialty field, career progress.
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