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The main riches of bowels of the earth - they contain mineral reserves. Their importance lies in the fact that they can not be played, but can only be exhausted, are virtually non-renewable for present and future generations, as formed over long geological periods and eras. It differs significantly from other types of subsoil natural resources, and the task of protecting the subsoil from the problems of other systems of protection of the biosphere. These features provide the subsoil to the community problem of their protection. It requires the creation of research-based, administrative and legal, production and technical and economic measures to ensure compliance with the established order of use of the earth's crust, the lithosphere and mineral resources underground hydrosphere during their geological survey, mining, construction and operation of underground facilities, disposal industrial effluents and waste products, meet other public needs [5].

1. Theme urgency

Coal industry - nature exploiting sector of the economy, provides comprehensive greatest negative impact on the environment. Specificity of underground coal mining is that for every 1000 tonnes of coal mined on the surface is thrown up to 12 kg of coal and rock dust, 50-570 thousand m3 of methane, 7,5–15 thousand m3 of carbon dioxide, about 5.5 m3 oxides produced during blasting operations, 1,5–9 thousand m3 mine water, 210–300 tons of rocks. As a result, the territory of the Donetsk basin, there are now about 1, 260 heaps of technogenic deposits. The annual volume of the rock mass, issued in the dumps, is about 30 million m3, and their total volume in Donbas exceeds 2 billion m3. Waste heaps occupy large areas, thereby contaminating the environment.

Out of the global environmental crisis - the most important scientific and practical problem of modernity. The problem that employ thousands of scientists, politicians, practitioners worldwide [6, 1].

2. Goal and tasks of the research

Objective: To develop a set of measures enhancing environmental and economic efficiency of the mining enterprise on the basis of complex subsurface.

3. Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of the master's work is systematic and integrated approach to coal using Produced subsoil resources in the economy (gob mine methane, mine water, rocks, geothermal energy) and taking into account the ecological and economic aspects of mining activities.

4. An integrated approach to the use of subsoil resources

In mining natural resources are classified as primary (targeted) and secondary (passing) . Our task is to complex to use natural resources.So we analyzed the results of scientific research carried out various different research and educational organizations, including the Donetsk National Technical University, suggests three key areas of the strategy:

  1. comprehensive utilization of mineral deposits;
  2. integrated use of extracted mineral (the desired product);
  3. the use of produced (related) products from coal mining and coal waste

The use of produced coal products enable efficient and comprehensive use of resources. Thus, in a coal gasification process using not only the volatile part of the coal, but also its carbon residue, which in turn is also a source of heat. When coal is still a lot of rocks, which is issued to the surface and covers a large area in the form of heaps. Many of them are burning and have harm to the environment. To prevent contamination breed can be used for stowing, road construction, agriculture, or in the chemical industry.

Mine water is formed by the groundwater and surface water penetrates underground mining, draining of gob fouls suspended and chemicals [1, 3, 6].

This water is not suitable for drinking man, but it can be cleaned and reused for industrial (dust control) and household needs of the mines (showers and toilets), as well as sell to other businesses (car wash, for cleaning of roads) to give ecological economic effect.

Donbass is relevant to the issue of air pollution emissions of methane-air mixtures. Reduce the negative impacts on the environment of these emissions can be carried out by degassing of methane and its further use as a fuel for mine boiler instead of natural gas; as motor fuel for the fleet of the mining enterprise or for sale; heat and heating of industrial and residential use. Methane does not contain impurities which form carbon deposits and contaminate the fuel system of a vehicle. Use of methane economically and environmentally advisable [4, 6, 2].

5. Conclusion

Implementation of the strategy company produces the so called double win while earning an economic and an environmental dividend.

When the integrated use of subsurface coal ceases to be a staple of mine, increasing the chances of ecological prosperity of the company by diversifying production and expand markets, which is especially important in the current situation.

When the integrated use of produced natural resources besides the economic benefits in the form of cost reduction, cost savings and obtain additional income, improve the ecological situation in the region and solve social problems [6].


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