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DonNTU  Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Grachev Ivan
Date of birth Dec 8, 1991
Place of birth Gorlovka
Schools • 1999–2009 — Gorlovskaya general school level I–III № 85;
• 2010–2011 — Gorlovka higher graduation CSE subject of school, profession: Chemical Analysis Laboratory
Universities • 2011–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, specialty Chemical technology of fuel, bachelor;
• 2015–2017 — Donetsk National Technical University, environmental and chemical engineering department, specialty Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials, master
Average score 72 D
Languages 1. English — average
2. Russian — in perfection
3. Ukrainian — in perfection
Personal achievements Getting the bachelor's degree on a specialty Chemical technology of fuel in 2015, scientific publications and participation in scientific conferences, obtaining a driver's license in 2011
Hobbies and interests Computer games (MMORPG, strategy, puzzle), books (novels, ranobe), music (rock, pop, rap, dubstep, jazz, classic)
Personal qualities Responsibility, result-oriented, punctual
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: OC Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
2. Application areas: Microsoft Office, Origin
3. Programming languages: Pascal 7.0, Pascal ABC
4. Development Environments: MathCAD, LabView, Design II
5. Computer Aided Design: Compass — 3D
6. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS
7. Graphic Editors: Adobe Photoshop
Professional experience • 2011 — The paramilitary rescue part of Gorlovka, industrial practice;
• 2013 — JSC Donetskkoke, Donetsk, finding practice;
• 2014 — TOV TAP Alliance, Gorlovka, obscheinzhenerskaya practice;
• 2015 — JSC Donetskkoke, Donetsk, pre-diploma practice
Future plans Getting a master's degree.
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