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The atmosphere of Earth is the layer of gases commonly known as air, that surrounds the planet Earth and is retained by Earth's gravity. The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention and reducing temperature extremes between day and night (diurnal temperature variation). It is one of the main components of life of any live organism.

One of the main problems is purification of air harmful impurity pollution for today. Air pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere of chemicals, particulate matter or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to organisms.

1 General description of work

1.1 The relevance of the work

The relevance of the work consists of improvement of quality of air of industrial regions with the use of natural adsorbent as more cost-effective, suitable and cheap material in the adsorption technology of air purification from harmful impurities.

1.2 Purpose, objectives, object and subject of the study

Purpose: research and development of adsorbent on the basis of natural components for minimization of maintenance, accumulation and negative impact of harmful impurity in air.


1. The analysis of literary data and researches on a chemical composition, the adsorptive characteristics and use of trepel, as adsorbent in comparison with other used industrial adsorbents.

2. Research of a chemical composition, physical and chemical and adsorptive properties of natural adsorbent — trepel.

3. To develop adsorbent by means of activation methods for improvement of the adsorptive properties in relation to harmful substances. Then to investigate use of the received modified adsorbent concerning improvement of quality of air.

4. Research of efficiency of purification of air with use as sorption material the improved trepel. To estimate improvement of quality of air and to suggest ways of utilization of the fulfilled adsorbent.

Research Object: adsorbent on the basis of natural components (trepel).

Research subject: processes of the adsorptive purification of air from harmful impurity with adsorbent on the basis of natural components by establishment of a chemical composition, the adsorptive properties, a type of activation and quantitative indices of adsorption which characterize the environmental and economic value of trepel as adsorbent.

1.3 Approbation of results

Main provisions of a master's thesis were reported and discussed at the International scientific and practical conferences, and also at republican interuniversity conferences of students. At this stage of work 3 articles were written.

2 Characterization of industrial adsorbents

Adsorption is an merger of the gaseous or dissolved substances by a surface of a solid body — adsorbent which possesses a big specific surface of a time. And release of these absorbed substances — a desorption [1, 17,18].

Figure 1 — Adsorption processes

(6 frames, 6 cycles, 66,1 KB)

The main industrial adsorbents are the porous bodies possessing large volume of microspores. Properties of adsorbents are defined by the material nature, and porous internal structure [1, 15, 6].

In industrial adsorbents the main amount of the absorbed substance is occluded on sides of microspores (r < 109 m). A role of a transitional time (10–9 < r < 10–97 m) and a macro time (r < 10–97 m) is generally reduced to transportation of the adsorbed substance to microspores [3].

On a chemical composition all adsorbents can be divided on carbon and not carbon, artificial and natural. Carbon adsorbents are active (absorbent carbon), carbon fibrous materials, and also some types of solid fuel. Not carbon adsorbents are silicagels, active oxide of aluminum, an alyumagels, zeolites and clay breeds [2].

  1. The name from German trepel; group — semi‑rocky; type on material structure — siliceous.
  2. Color: light gray, grayish, yellowish, dark gray is more rare.
  3. Structure: fine-grained, cryptocrystalline.
  4. Texture: uniform, layered.
  5. Mineral structure: clay minerals, quartz, etc. consists of the smallest grains (see table 1 %).It is explained by distinction of geological age of deposits. Diatomites belong to later, and trepel — to earlier deposits. [7141924].

    Table 1 — Average chemical composition of trepel, %

    Na2O + K2O
    Fe2O3 + FeO










  7. Distinctive signs: soft, very easy, porous (absorbs water and acid); at sight — sticks to tongue, strongly soils hands, does not scratch glass), on glass leaves is a powder of light coloring and rare scratches; absorbs hydrochloric acid without reaction — difference from chalk, limestones, mergely.
  8. Origin: it is formed us a resultat sedimentation of siliceous seaweed in sea pools. By Erenberg's calculation, the cubic inch of trepel contains about 41 billion armors of diatomovy seaweed, the sorts Gaillonella and Bacillaria, etc.
  9. Average density: depending on the field fluctuates from 2000–3000 kg/m3; porosity is 60,2–64 %; hardness is 1–3 [5].
  10. Figure 2 — Trepel


    The work presents the characterization of industrial adsorbents and analyzed their market price for 1 kg, which shows that trepel is the most low‑cost natural adsorbent. The experimental data and analysis other works show that the adsorption characteristics of trepel is smaller in comparison with those of activated charcoal, but this does not exclude the possibility of using trepel as adsorbent.

    Thus, the basic adsorption indicators of trepel, namely the adsorption capacity of methylene orange and iodine number were determined. It is established that processing of microwave radiation of diatomaceous earth increases its porosity and adsorption capacity for iodine, although only slightly.

    As the work is not over, in the future it is planned to study and to suggest improve to suggest how two adsorption characteristics of trepel to clean the air from harmful impurities.


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