ДонНТУ   Портал магистров




People can’t live without leaving municipal solid waste (MSW). Its number depends on various factors. On average, it is considered that the per capita per year accumulated 250 kg of garbage are accumulated. For the Donetsk region and in particular for the city of Donetsk, today the problem of solid waste is the most environmentally and economically relevant.

The fact of the usefulness and importance of recycling known to all, as well as the fact that it is more beneficial not only for the environment but also to save money. Waste disposal problem is compounded mainly because a large part of consumer goods is doomed to a very short time the service of man. They are bought, consumed and thrown away without proper regard to their residual values. Are astounding the amount of energy and the cost of restoring the environment in such consumption. But you must not forget that waste and household garbage are often a cheaper source of many substances and materials than natural, and can be effectively recycled without environmental damage. The only question is, how effectively to develop everything in order to get the most out of the collected materials.

1 Topic relevance

The municipal solid waste (MSW) is highly relevant because its solution is connected with the need to ensure the normal life of the population, sanitary cleaning of cities, environmental protection and resource conservation.

MSW include a variety of substances of organic or mineral waste: food waste, used paper and cardboard, textiles, wood, bones, leather, rubber, plastic, metal, glass, stones and other Debris is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms that cause several infectious diseases. Therefore, the uncleared waste can be a source of mass pollution.

That is why the use of waste for production of secondary fuels is very popular methods of processing and disposal of solid waste. Getting energy from waste, we simultaneously solve the problem of solid waste disposal and get cheap, you can say almost free thermal energy that can be spent on the provision of utility thermal resources. Well, the use of modern technologies of waste disposal in the process of solving the problem of waste disposal will reduce the negative impact of landfill waste on the environment.

2 Purpose and research tasks, planned results

The aim of the study is to assess the impact of benzene waste of coke production offices on the composition of fuel blends and their thermal performance.

The main objectives of the study:

  1. The analysis of problems of utilization of solid household waste;
  2. The rationale for the use of by-products of coke-chemical plants;
  3. Assessment of potential resource base of industrial waste;
  4. Determination methods of physical and chemical characteristics of fuel briquettes;
  5. Design of experiments in search of optimum conditions;
  6. The development and analysis of experimental plan;
  7. Description of the technological process.

Object of study: recycling of solid waste.

Subject of research: the composition of the fuel mixtures on the basis of components of solid waste.

3 Assessment of potential resource base of industrial waste

Obviously, the experience of the world production of secondary fuels on the basis of components of MSW should be considered by our government. It should be remembered that, in addition to significant volumes of solid waste in our region huge amounts of industrial waste has accumulated.

Solid waste contain many valuable components that can and should be used for further processing.

The composition of MSW differs in different countries, cities. It depends on many factors, including the welfare of the population, climate and landscaping. The collection system significantly affects the composition of the debris. It can vary depending on season and weather conditions.

Over time the composition of MSW is changing somewhat. The share of paper and polymeric materials increases. But with the transition to district heating coal and slag almost disappear from  MSW.

Technology disposal, recycling and disposal of waste:

  1. Separate collection;
  2. Burial;
  3. Burning.

Separate collection of different categories of waste determines the effectiveness and the cost of recycling of individual components. The most uncomfortable for the disposal is mixed waste containing a mixture of biodegradable wet food waste, plastics, metals, glass and others components.

The cheapest way to get rid of waste is to bury it. This method goes back to the simple way — throw something out of the house to the dump. History has shown that by simply throwing the items out of the house the problem cannot be solved. In the twentieth century it was necessary to move from the spontaneous creation of landfills to the design and implementation of specific engineering projects of landfills used for the disposal of household waste. The project provides for the minimization of environmental damage, strict adherence to sanitary-hygienic requirements.

The most common method of solid waste disposal is incineration followed by burial of the ashes at a special landfill. The method has serious disadvantages such as the formation of highly toxic chemical compounds, e.g., dioxins and furans. Counteraction to them requires the so-called post-combustion (heat of the exhaust gas to a temperature above 850 degrees and maintaining it for at least two seconds). There are quite a few technologies to incineration. Combustion may be a chamber, grate and fluidised bed. Trash can be burned in a mixture with natural fuel. The most dangerous from an environmental point of view is the low-temperature combustion in the boilers.

A significant portion of solid waste is successfully utilized in modern furnaces of the cement industry. Existing technologies allow to make this operation without compromising the quality of finished products and without a negative impact on the environment. Debris before entering the cement plant must pass the stages of crushing and screening. Advanced systems such as By-pass and Hot Disc significantly increase the efficiency of waste disposal in modern rotary kilns [1].

So, certain types of wastes must be considered as a potential addition to the calorific value of secondary fuel, based on TBO. Joint utilization in this case will have a more tangible environmental effect.

The production is promising of secondary fuels on the basis of solid waste using certain types of waste chemical recovery plant, able to act not only as the calorific value of additives, but also as an effective binder. Special attention is needed for the types of resinous waste of coke as acidic tar produced in the saturator sulfate and the benzene offices, and polymers obtained by cooling and cleaning of coke oven gas.

The main areas of secondary use of fresh acidic resin is reverse flow the charge in the form of an emulsion, use as a binder in road construction, used in the manufacture of briquettes rodopoli. Polymers are one of the major secondary products that are formed during the process of crude benzol recovery. The main direction of secondary use of freshly forming polymers is reverse flow in the mix with some brands of charcoal in the charge [2].


The analysis of literary sources allows to draw the following conclusions:

  1. One of the urgent environmental issues facing our region is the problem of utilization and disposal of MSW, due to the considerable volumes of formation of the latter.
  2. The current practice of handling such waste can be evaluated as extremely unsatisfactory that, among other things, due to the lack of implementation of modern methods of processing and disposal of solid waste.
  3. Study of recycling of MSW in the world shows that an increasing importance of thermal methods of municipal waste disposal. In turn, the most dynamic method of thermal processing of solid waste in the countries of the world and, in particular, the EU further production and thermal utilization of secondary fuels derived based on the components of household waste.
  4. Analysis and implementation of the method of use of waste of industrial origin is promising.
  5. The right of priority as additives of this kind should belong to a variety of industrial waste, the introduction of which in the fuel mixture was able to improve the qualitative characteristics of the latter.
  6. The possibility of using additives necessarily requires analysis of the impact of the products of thermal processing of fuel blends on the environment.


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