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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Olesya Tkachenko
Date of birth August 31, 1991
Place of birth Zuevka
Schools School ¹11(1998 - 2008)
Universities Undergraduate - Donetsk National Technical University (2012 - 2015)
Magistracy - Donetsk National Technical University (2015 - 2017).
Average score Mean score in training at university 4.6.
Languages Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.
Personal achievements Candidate for master of sports of handball
Hobbies and interests Books, music, sports
Personal qualities Responsibility, diligence, compassion, patience, have a sense of humor
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98 / XP / Windows 7.
2. Experience with the system of finite-element modeling of technological processes «Deform 3D»
3. Office suite: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
4. Internet technologies: HTML
Future plans To live a rich, interesting, happy life! Find yourself. Fully self-actualization. I would like to open a business (with the sphere of activity is not yet fully defined, but more drawn to the sport). Ideally, of course, wants to open a fitness club, sports center, something like that! Of course in the first place happy family, husband, children (possible two) Referring something. And I also want to learn to drive, to get right and that someone gave BMW 2016 release.
Contact information With contacts all right