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Brief resume

Name Dybchenko Alexander
Date of birth Oct 22, 1995
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2001-2012ã. - Donetsk Comprehensive school ¹2
Universities 2012 – 2016 – Donetsk national technical university, electrotechnical faculty, specialty Electromechanical system of automation and electrical drive, bachelor;
2016 – 2018 – Donetsk national technical university, electrotechnical faculty, specialty Electromechanical system of automation and electrical drive, master.
Average score 4 (during bachelor course)
Languages Russian, Ukrainian – free;
English, German – with dictionary.
Personal achievements 2015 – Participation in amateur motorsport competitions.
Personal qualities Decency, tact, restraint, sociability.
Computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/10 ; macOS. 2. Application programs: Matlab/Simulink, Microsoft Office/Visio, Êîìïàñ, AutoCad, Mathcad.
3. Programming languages : C++; Assembler
4. Development environment : Simatic manager (Step 7), WinPLC 7, Zelio Soft, CT Soft.
Future plans Remain forever young, self-fulfilling, successfully complete the training.
Contact information E-mail: : alexanderdd@mail.ru