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Name Albina Stryabkova
Date of birth Jan 19, 1995
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 2001-2012 - Donetsk comprehensive school I-III steps number 151 (A-class)
Universities 2012-2016 - Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Specialty Environmental Safety, Bachelor;
2016-2018 - Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, Specialty Environmental Safety, Master
Average score 4,4 (88 - В)
Languages Russian - native;
Ukrainian - free;
English - intermediate level
Personal achievements ◊ Participant and laureate of school olympiads in history, law, physics, geography;
◊ Participant of inter-university and international olympiads on ecology;
◊ II place at the interuniversity student's Olympiad in academic discipline Ecology
Hobbies and interests Cooking, Sports
Personal qualities Purposefulness, perseverance, ability to work with a large amount of information
Professional and computer skills • Office packages: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access);
• Internet browsers: Mozila Firefox, Google Chrome;
• Programs: EOL +, COMPASS, PTC Mathcad;
• Skills in the laboratory (wastewater analysis, analysis of gas emissions, analysis of solid domestic waste)
• Systematization and synthesis of information received
• Development of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment
• Calculation of environmental charges for environmental pollution.
Additional courses, internships, grants Participation in the II Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists with International Participation "Actual Problems of Earth Sciences"
(The Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don)
Professional experience July, 2013 - familiarization practice at the STK "Donetsk-Steel-MZ", PAT "DEMZ";
June, 2014 - field practice at the "Meotida"
June, 2015 - the first environmental practice in the General Directorate of Ecology and Natural Resources;
April, 2016 - pre-diploma practice at the Department of Applied Ecology and Environmental Protection;
June, 2017 - production practice in the State Committee for Environmental Policy and Natural Resources.
Future plans 1) successfully graduate from university;
2) to obtain an educational master's degree in the field of ecology;
3) get a decent job in the specialty;
4) build a large and friendly family;
5) harmoniously combine their personal lives and careers.
Contact information