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Closing of mines changes the nature of the man-caused impact on the environment. On the one hand, with the stopping of mining operations a number of technological processes cease to function which have a permanent negative impact on the surrounding natural environment or its individual elements. On the other hand, the liquidation of coal-mining enterprises is often accompanied by very dangerous environmental consequences (risks).

1. Theme urgency

Mines, as one of the most dangerous objects, cause significant damage to the environment during their operations, and after closure, their negative impact significantly increases. The work is devoted to the selection and justification of management decisions to prevent environmental risks when a coal mining enterprise is closed. The tasks set in the work are real, and their implementation allows us to achieve the goal.

2. Purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of these studies is the development and justification of management decisions to prevent environmental risks in the closure of mines.

To achieve this goal, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Identify the problems of closing down coal industry enterprises, record the occurrence of environmental risks and opportunities to prevent them.
  2. Analyze risk management by closing a mine.
  3. Develop management decisions to prevent environmental risks when closing coal mines.

Research object: closing mine.

Research subject: : technological solutions to manage risks arising from the closure of the mine.

3. Identification of environmental risks in the closure of mines

Closure of mines, in addition to significant economic costs, has a number of adverse environmental consequences, affecting the environment both in the zone of direct action of the enterprise, and in the scale of the whole region. At the same time, these negative consequences can cause irreparable damage to the natural environment. [1]

Mine rehabilitation is a program designed to restore the physical, chemical and biological qualities or potential of air, water and soil regimes (disturbed by mining) to a state acceptable from the point of view of regulatory bodies and subsequent users of the land. The task of closing mines is to prevent or minimize the long-term negative impact on the environment and create a self-sustaining natural ecosystem or alternative land use in accordance with an agreed set of priorities.

The process of operation and closure of mines must be taken into consideration the expectations and concerns of the public, the requirements of the state, the profitability of the project, and minimize the impact on the environment.

Moreover, operation and closure should be carried out in such a way as to avoid compromises related to human health and safety in the future; protect the environment and resources from physical and chemical destruction; the subsequent use of the territory was profitable and sustainable in the long term [2].

Ecological risk is a probabilistic characteristic of the threat that arises both for the environment and for the person himself, in the case of various anthropogenic influences or other events and phenomena. Any ecotoxicant is an undoubted stressor. An environmental risk assessment provides that a stressor is any effect: chemical, mechanical or field, which causes any change in ecological and biological systems, both negative and positive.

Environmental risk may be manageable. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyze the situation itself, as a result of the risk occurrence, to develop and justify a management decision in the form of a law or a normative act that will be aimed at reducing the risk or finding ways to reduce it [3].


With the cessation of coal mining, the closure and flooding of coal mines and sections, the ecological danger remains, the environmental damage previously inflicted on the environment does not disappear without a trace and new sources of danger to the environment in the zone of their influence may appear in the future. Therefore, in projects to close the mines, systematic environmental monitoring and a full range of environmental measures, taking into account all sources of pollution and factors of negative impact on the environment, should be provided and subsequently implemented. In order to eliminate risks, it is necessary: to choose the right way to close the mine, to organize the drainage from the closed mine, to degas the worked out space, to lay old workings, to re-form and remediate the waste dumps, to conduct continuous monitoring of the surrounding environment in a closed enterprise, etc.

Список источников

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  7. В.Н. Бурков, Д.А. Новиков, А.В.Щекин. Механизм управления эколого-экономическими системами/Под ред. акад. С.Н. Васильева- М.: изд.физ.мат.лит., 2008,-244с.
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