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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Max Bukalo
Date of birth Sep 22, 1994
Place of birth Konstantinovka, Donetsk region, Ukraine
Schools 2000 - 2005 — Lyceum ¹8;
2006 - 2012 — School ¹13 in Konstantinovka.
Universities 2012 - 2016 — bachelor basic higher education in the Donetsk National Technical University on specialty "systems of technical protection of information."
2016 - 2017 — magistracy in the Donetsk National Technical University and received a master's degree.
Average score 4( on a five-point scale)
Languages Russian — native.
Ukrainian — perfectly.
English — technical level.
Hobbies and interests Computer games, listening electro music, manual low temperature brazing.
Personal qualities Responsible, purposeful, adequate response to non-standard situations.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.
2.Office Applications:
Microsoft Office 2003-2010, Apache OpenOffice.
3. Computer aided design systems: Compas 3D, High Frequency Structural Simulator(HFSS), System View, Lab View.
4. Environments:
Delphi, Visual Basic, Atmel AVR studio.
Professional experience Pracrice:
  • Internet provider "AMIK"
  • Structural subdivision - Manufscture "Donetskgorteploset" state enterprise "Donbassteploenergo"
Future plans Succesfully graduate magistracy, get a high-paid job in the sphere of information security.
Contact information makant.73@mail.ru