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Digital technologies are developing very actively today, and the pace of their development no longer surprises anyone. Already, everyone is trying to make predictions of what this will all lead to. The beginning of this high-speed race was served by many factors, one of which is the emergence and development of the Internet. Wireless networks offer new opportunities. They greatly bypassed their competitors by the speed and efficiency of network equipment, mobility and cost. Wireless technologies are used everywhere and can meet a fairly wide range of needs.

1. Theme urgency

To date, there is a stable development and widespread use of wireless networks. No one person, let alone a large corporation, can function fully without using information technologies, in particular wireless networks. From this it follows that the study of vulnerabilities in these networks is an urgent task.

Wireless networks offer several advantages. The main one is mobility, which in turn allows Access the network at any time in the radius of action. This increases the speed of circulation and finding the necessary information. In the information age, the speed of access and processing of information largely determines the success of the company.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

Objective: To investigate the vulnerabilities of the wireless network standard IEEE 802.11n – Wi-Fi. Search for methods to improve the system.

Main tasks of the research:

  1. Research and analysis of existing protocols of the IEEE 802.11 standard.
  2. An analysis of the vulnerabilities of the system when transmitting information over a wireless communication channel.
  3. Analysis and evaluation of existing methods that will improve the characteristics of the system.
  4. Search for solutions to minimize the impact of wireless network vulnerabilities.
  5. Development of a research model in the LabView software.
  6. Research methods reduce the impact of vulnerabilities on the basis of the developed model.

Research object: wireless networks standard IEEE 802.11n – Wi-Fi, their vulnerabilities, the process of transferring information in these networks, as well as network equipment.

Research subject: the group of IEEE 802.11 standards, methods for improving system performance, and methods for reducing the impact of vulnerabilities.


Wireless networks continue to actively develop and improve. Today, many security measures have been developed and improved their performance, but there are vulnerabilities that need to be considered. The study of this issue will further improve the characteristics of wireless networks.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: May 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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