Resume - Savchuk Maksim – Investigation and synthesis of algorithms for controlling a multidimensional object with delay

Brief resume

Date of birth Jul 25, 1995
Schools 2001 – 2012 – Staromihailovska comprehensive school
Average score 4
Hobbies and interests Guitar, beat‐box, videogames, puzzles, programming.
Professional and computer skills
  • 1. OS: Windows (expert).
  • 2. Software development, work with graphics, modeling.
  • 3. Programming languages: С/С++, C#, MATLAB, HTML5, CSS, Unity5, FBD, LAD, STL, CRC.
  • 4. Development environments: Microsoft Visual Studio, Borland, Matlab/Simulink, Step7, Codesisv.2/v.3, Algorithm builder.
Future plans Find a job in the specialty, buy a house / apartment, a car, build your business.