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Computer technologies are widely used in our life. They can be used to simplify the activities of the enterprise. There are so many different in purpose and operation. Among this set, allocate the monitoring system that controls reception of visitors.

Video control–a key element in the system of protection and security. Installing a security system will protect material assets of the organization from theft, and will contribute to the control of personnel actions in the areas of office, manufacturing and warehouse. And track movement of clients and visitors on site [1].

In this regard, appeared the idea of visitors reception on which based on available and relatively expensive Arduino.

1. The relevance of the topic

This is the actual system that combines convenience with security. The main advantage of such systems is the ability to implement control the clock input to the plant. The main objective of such devices is the transmission of photo or video images to the security service, which, in turn, will be decide to let or not.

In terms of regularly worsening of the criminal situation in the country, city, district, an increasing number of legal entities became interested in the problems of its own security. For these tasks occurs more calls to the devices simple and accessible, allowing to ensure safety. Increased demand for video door phones has enabled significant technical progress, expanding the functionality of these devices, and given the opportunity to talk about the possibility of using functions of video phones as video surveillance equipment. Although still, intercoms positioned as the device access control.

2. The purpose and tasks of the study

The aim of the work is to study and develop a system for receiving visitors to an enterprise.

At the beginning of the work on the project, the main tasks were identified that needed to be done when developing the project. These tasks include:

To implement my system of receiving visitors, I chose the Arduino platform, since it is affordable, not expensive, multifunctional and great for training. This platform has a large selection of boards with different microcontrollers, sensors, expansion cards, etc. Thanks to a wide range of components, it is possible to implement various control systems, which is excellent for my project.

3. Platform advantages

Let's highlight the main advantages of this platform:

Due to the fact that all schemes of Arduino modules are in the public domain, experienced engineers and developers can create their own versions of devices based on existing ones. And even ordinary users can collect Arduino prototypes for a better understanding of their operating principles and cost savings.

Thus, Arduino, as an open, programmable hardware platform for working with various objects with components that extend the board's capabilities, can serve as an excellent start to working with microcontrollers (МC).

There are several types of Arduino boards. Basically, they differ among themselves by the amount of memory, the model of the microcontroller (MC), the number of inputs / outputs and the size of the board itself.

My project is implemented on the board Arduino Uno – the reference model of the Arduino platform. It is the basic of my system of visitors reception in the company.

4. Providing and locating of device

This system is designed for use in an enterprise where work many people and a large number of visitors. Pic. 1 and Pic. 2 show the layout of the reception system for visitors to the company. This system allows the security service to receive alerts with a photo about people who are at the front door. Picture 1 shows the location of the system in the office. The principle of the project is as follows: the person who is in front of the entrance door should press the doorbell button, then the camera is placed at the entrance makes a photo, then this image is sent using Arduino and the computer connected to the Internet to the security point, and then through automated database system photo is identified with all employees of the enterprise and regular visitors.

Placement the system of visitors reception inside the company

Picture 1 – Placement the system of visitors reception inside the company

But in this case there is a question with connecting and placing the system on the street. In this case, there is a possible option, when the camera and the main Arduino board responsible for management are placed side by side, and the computer is at the security point. But since the Arduino board and the computer are connected with each other using a USB cable, and the maximum length of such a cable according to the specification is not more than 5 meters, this arrangement can be problematic. In order to circumvent this limitation, it is possible to connect several 5 meter cables in series using USB hubs as repeaters for connecting USB. The maximum length of such a composite cable should not exceed 30 meters [3].

Placement the system of visitors reception inside the company

Picture 2 – Placement the system of visitors reception outside the company

Structural scheme of the reception system

Picture 3 – Structural scheme of the reception system (animation: 18 slides, 3 cycles of repetition, 87 kilobytes)


The analysis of Arduino platform boards was carried out and the system of visitors reception in the company with application of necessary components and boards, which optimum approaches for the given system is realized for a number of reasons. The bases of programming under Arduino in the development environment Arduino IDE were studied and applied in practice. In practice, the system was tested for its operability. The testing of the project was conducted and the correct results were obtained.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: May 2018. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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