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1. Relevance of the topic

The result of the development of geodetic instrument making was the emergence of fundamentally new designs of devices designed to perform various geodetic measurements. First of all, these instruments include electronic total station, having the following unique characteristics: an automated process of measurement, high precision, the possibility of obtaining measurement results in convenient computer form. However, to date, to the surveyor of any electronic total station remains the so-called "black box" that saves a lot of questions about the features of its devices, software, algorithms. Further improvement of the angle-measuring instruments such as total station, due to the increasing requirements to their accuracy and reliability. There is a need to develop new methods and means of control of their metrological characteristics. Error of measurement systems optoelectronic angle measuring devices have a complex nature and can be identified through experimental studies. For maximum accuracy of measurement of horizontal angles precise optical theodolites measure several approaches to the rearrangement of the limb between meals. In modern electronic theodolites and tacheometers limb is not adjustable, though it does include a simulation of this operation by flashing on the screen of any reference. The only way to apply is equivalent to the permutation of the limb optical theodolites method for electronic devices with nepovtorimaya system of axes to move between the stand on a tripod (column). When performing research with a permutation of the stand there was an unexpected results and other related studies that formed the basis of the content of the thesis.

Conduct a comprehensive study of the instrument is important not only for manufacturers, service centers for servicing of appliances, research institutes, but for the average user, who will be able to determine which device allows to perform the measurement more accurately. The most in demand today are the following types of work involving high-precision angular measurements: the creation of the state geodetic control networks, precise removal and fixing of the axes in the construction, geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures, ensuring the safe operation of unique engineering structures, and more [32, 41, 43, 83, 113]. However, there is insufficient development of normative-technical documentation, including programmes and studies of measurement error electronic tachometers. This determines the relevance of the topic of the dissertation. The research electronic total stations worked such outstanding scientists as H. K. yambaev, Anikst D. A., K. M. K., I. V. Meskin, N. X. Golygin, Y. B. Parvulus, V. M. Zimin, M. Karsunsky, and many others.

2. The purpose and research tasks, planned results

The main goal of this work is the development of methods for the study of electronic total stations in a manufacturing environment to evaluate and improve the accuracy of measuring horizontal angles.

The main objectives of the study:

Object of study: the measurement process electronic total station

The subject of the research:systematic errors in measurements of horizontal angles electronic tachometers.

Scientific novelty of the work:

3. Research methods addressed in the paper

3.1 Method of determining systematic errors of measurement of horizontal angles, an electronic total stations.

The developed method consists in the following. In studies of the total station to measure horizontal angle between the directions of 2 of the collimator. The angle between the collimators is about 70°. Measurements are performed with moving the stand to the tripod through 30°. 13 measurements from 0° to 360° is conventionally considered a measurement cycle. In the abstract the basic equations obtained in the work. Let in one cycle have 13 measurements of the same angle in different units of the horizontal circle. Installation is the reading on the horizontal circle when you hover over the left collimator (direction). The initial orientation of the limb in each cycle of measurements was carried out by mounting the connector to transfer data from the instrument to the target on the left collimator. As the first and last measurement of the angle in each cycle is performed on the installation at 0°, both measurements were averaged and further processed include 12 measurements. This is not to dispense with the last 13-th dimension in the cycle, as it is a circuit and control of the immutability of the measured angle.

The deviations contain systematic and random errors. However, the purpose of development of methods of research is the identification of systematic errors. Reduction of random errors is achieved by a large number of measurements at each setting, a minimum duration of measurement Propriete and complete uniformity of all 13 measurements in a loop. Assuming that the dependence of the deviations from Ad the installation at is a periodic function of F(a) in the interval 0...360°, decompose it in Fourier series.

3.2 Study of elastic deformations of the electronic total stations

Here are the results of the additional experiment to identify the influence of elastic deformations of parts of the instrument to the measurement error of horizontal corners of the electronic tachometers. For measurements used a special device similar to that described above, but with two optical mirrors arranged vertically at a 90° angle to each other mounted on a fixed part of the electronic total station below alidadi, but above the footings. During the rotation of alidade horizontal circle of the total station of the investigational device must be stationary if there is no elastic deformation. When available, the device mirrors can experience rotations around the vertical axis (azimuth rotations), which can be fixed other stations (measuring). These twists lead to errors in measuring horizontal angles.spotting scopes which are visible through the mirror target mounted on the wall of the room. Make the pointing a total station at the target at different positions of alidade studied the instrument, remove the samples, calculate the deviation of counts from the mean, which will be functions of the errors caused by elastic deformations. To consider the effect of deformations of the tripod on the accuracy of measurements of horizontal angles, was carried out another series of measurements in which the mirrors are fixed between the stand and the tripod head (the mirror on the tripod). As expected the azimuthal deformation is comparable or even less than the possible errors of the instruments, a method has been developed that increases the accuracy of determining the strain more than 2 times. This applied 2 ways. In the first method so you need to place the measuring instrument and Mesirow purpose regarding the mirrors for the change of reference the horizontal or vertical circle with a small turning mirror around Da, respectively vertical or horizontal (coinciding with the mirror plane) of the axes is maximized. In the second method, forcibly regular increase the moment of force several times. For this measure the moment of force caused by unitentionally of alidade in the normal mode of operation of the device, and is fixed in addition to alidadi the load, which increases several times the regular torque. Both of the vector of moments must coincide in direction.


The main results of the research are as follows:

Methods have been developed and formulated General principles study of the electronic total stations in a production environment it is recommended to use to assess the accuracy of measuring horizontal angles and the calculation of the amendments.

Further research focuses on the following aspects:

Prospects of further studies in this direction are to develop methods in a production environment to determine the characteristics of measurement accuracy, electronic total station vertical angles and distances, in the development and implementation of regulations of carrying out of metrological certification of electronic tacheometers with the reduction of work-force verification officer to perform a calibration.

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