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All over the world there is a tendency of introduction in underground space. First of all, this applies to large cities and industrial centers. They have a clear shortage of free areas necessary for the placement of transport and engineering systems, underground garages, Parking lots and other facilities.

Intensive use of underground space occurs not only in Metropolitan cities, but also in smaller settlements. Here, fast and efficient transport links between industrial centers are of particular importance for the high-speed transportation of people and goods, ensuring the economic development of the regions. And this requires the construction of highways and road tunnels, even through mountain ranges, rivers and Straits.

Any underground structures, whether road or railway tunnel, underground or underground garage – connected together or operated separately, are high–risk objects.

Underground structures are specially equipped mine workings in the thickness of rocks, having different purposes (transport and hydraulic tunnels, underground, pedestrian crossings, garages and other urban facilities)

A fire occurring on the surface, has a considerable quantity of threat to human life factors: smoke, high temperature, low oxygen contents in the air, collapse of structures, etc. But in the tunnel the above factors can significantly faster to reach the critical values. At the same time, it is clear that it is more difficult for people to leave the burning underground tunnel than any surface object, because of the remoteness of the first entrances, darkness, limited passages, etc.Of course, the elimination of fires in underground structures is associated with great difficulties.

Causes of fires and explosions in coal mines

The main cause of fires and explosions in mines (except those that occur due to spontaneous ignition or friction) is a flammable substance that comes into contact with combustible material, explosive gas or coal dust.

Combustible material, such as coal, wooden support, wooden doors, fences, trolleys, explosives, lintel and other combustible substances, in combination with explosive gas or coal dust, or both, are present in most coal mines. Many of these combustible substances can be detected also in the corner mines. In the absence of a fire or explosion can occur in almost any mine, and, of course, no coal mine is immune from fires and explosions.

Igniting agents causing fires in mines include electric arcs and sparks, open flames, matches, explosives, ignition of gas or coal dust (which in turn cause fires in mines) as well as spontaneous ignition and friction.

Sources of initiation of explosions in mines include electrical arcs and sparks, open flame in an open fire, fires in mines, match, blow explosions and explosions of explosives stored improperly.

Regardless of the type of flammable means, the cause of the fire in the mine will be the mandatory contact of the flammable means with the combustible material, and the cause of the explosion will be mandatory contact with an explosive mixture of gas, or with a cloud of coal dust. This implies that the gas explosion will be possible only if it allowed the accumulation of explosive mixtures of gas and its ignition. For example, coal dust will not be able to explode if it is prevented from accumulating to an amount sufficient to ignite it and its ability to spread flames and exacerbate gravity.


In the event of fires in underground facilities there is a great threat to human life and health. To eliminate fires there requires the involvement of significant forces of fire and rescue units, their specific equipment.Precautions should be taken when installing, operating and maintaining wiring, machinery and equipment. Especially important is the area of the bottom in the coal mines or near it, it must be remembered that gas or dust, or a combination of gas and dust can be in this place at any time.The main task of a conscious official at the mine should be to prevent fires and explosions at the mine. This can be achieved by eliminating sources of ignition, as well as by preventing the accumulation of explosive gas and coal dust


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