Brief resume

Full name Shkiryatov Gleb Andreevich
Date of birth 27.08.1996
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2002–2013 – school No 48, 11 classes;
University 2013–2017 – Donetsk National Technical University, department Faculty of Electrical Engineering, department of electric drive and automation of industrial installations (bachelor degree);
2017–2019 – Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations (magistracy).
Average score 4.2
Language proficiency Russian (native)
Ukrainian (perfectly)
English (intermediate level)
Hobbies Numismatics, sports
Personal qualities Dedication, composure
Professional specialization and computer skills 1. Operating Systems: Windows
2. Applications: MS Office, Compass 3D
3. Programming languages: C ++, Assembler, MATLAB
4. Development environments: Matlab, AVR Studio, Processing IDE, Autocad 2D, Compass 3D
Future plans Professional development, employment in the development of bionic monipulators, personal development
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