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Information and educational resources of educational institutions in the Internet

Авторы: O.G. Artyomeoko, L.V. Sosnina
Источник: 5 международная научно-техническая конференция СИТОНИ-2017 – 20 ноября 2017. г.Донецк

The primary task of modem society is to achieve a new quality level of education. The accumulation of knowledge, the transition to new rapidly developing technologies in all spheres of life lead to a conscious understanding of the revision not only of what should be taught, but also how to organize the learning process in the modem world as well as possible. The dynamic world requires appropriate changes in education.

Today it is not possible to fully evaluate the potential of modem technologies in education. Information support of students and teachers activities, the possibility of free access to the necessary educational, scientific, cultural and any other information is a necessary condition for any individual free development. The organization form of the global network as a distributed and rapidly growing on the structure and scope of a public repository of infonnation resources suggests that many of these resources are consumed and produced in the sphere of education. Current and future education systems cannot be considered without a focus on network storage media.

Nowadays there are a lot of different information and education resources. Most of them are business cards of education institutions. Information and education resources are a set of the technical, program, telecommunication and methocEcal means allowing to use optimum new information technologies in education and implement them in al I types and fonns of education activ ities [1].

In spite of the fact that the considerable part of information at all knowledge domains is provided on the Internet, the problem of eftective support of scientific community with information on the interesting subjects is still far to be decided [2]. The information and learning Internet resource intended for information support of scientific and educational activities of the releasing department of the Program Engineering (PE) of the Donetsk national technical univers ity in the field of program engineering of intellectual program development is one of steps to the decision of such tasks as:
- convergence of the information resources relating to such important knowledge domain as development of intellectual program systems at PE department in information space;
- support of logical integrity of semantic descriptions system of the information resources reduced in a common information space on subject relevant for program engineering;
- support of website developers in giving the possibility of open informative access to the structured information resources of the website;
- specialists operational informing in intellectual systems programming on results of activities of PE department in the field of an artificial intelligence and formation on the basis of mutual interest around this subject of a circle of supporter experts.

Architecture of the information and education website

While creating the information and education portal the design of a web resource is of great importance. At the first step of information design it is necessary to develop an inner pattern of infonnative fil ling of the website for users to be guided easily in this resource. Design process consists of three main parts: conceptual, logic and physical design. First of all the concept of a resource means that the main ideas of this product are developed the maintenance of future information and learning web resource is built of information which is really necessary for users, the analysis, collection and documenting of the main requirements are carried out and methods of their implementation are defined. At the fo llowing stage the logic design of future operations – possible pages of th website and hypertext communications between pages, methods of revitalizing of pages with use of a multimedia - is created. The last stage is physical design, that is determination of technologies to be applied on the website and a choice of the sofh.v-are which will help to realize these technologies.

As a rule en1ering into structure of an information portal include the following: news feeds and mailings; expanded multi-level navigation aids and search; electronic textbooks and libraries; directories of educational resources; educational, organizational and methodical questions; the interactive learning tools providing the active involvement of users in training activity; the virtual environments of educational practical activities; c.omputer demonstrations; the universal learning environments; databases-reference department for information search, on-line logs; learning grunes; means ofr.emote and open learn ing.

The structure of the portal is based on the modularity principle. Such model should support three principal components: