Brief resume

Name Shyshko Artem Aleksandrovich.
Date of birth June 21,1996
Place of birth Kurakhovo.
Schools Kurakhovskaya gymnasium "Prestige".
Universities 2013–2017 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, Computer systems, undergraduate.
2017–2019 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, Computer systems and networks, magistracy.
Average score 3,5
Language proficiency Russian (perfectly), Ukrainian (perfectly), English (intermediate level).
Hobbies Drawing, games.
Personal qualities Punctual, responsive, sociable, responsible.
Professional specialization and computer skills
1. Operating Systems: Windows, Linux;
2. Programming languages: C#, C/C++, PHP;
3. Work with DB: MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Visual FoxPro, Access;
4. Modeling languages ??and descriptions: UML;
5. Internet technologies: HTML/CSS, jQuery;
6. Programming for the platform Android;
7. Development environments: Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio, PHPStorm;
Future plans Graduate, to succeed in the new position at work.
Contact Information skype: a33458