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Brief resume

Name Vlad Vivdenko
Date of birth Dec 6, 1995
Place of birth Donetsk, Ukraine
Schools 2002-2011 - Donetsk secondary school №44
2011-2013 - Lyceum at Donetsk National University, economic profile
Universities 2013–2017 - DonNTU, Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, specialty Intelligent Systems Software, bachelor
2017–2019 - DonNTU, Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, specialty Intelligent Systems Software, magistracy
Average score 4.5 (82/B)
Languages Russian (native), Ukrainian (fluently), English (B1 - intermediate)
Hobbies and interests Computer games (Indie, Action-RPG, Metroidvania, Sandbox, Rouge-like, Puzzle)
Books (adventure, science fiction)
Programming (game development)
Personal qualities Responsibility, adaptability, conscientiousness, perseverance, self-criticism, quick learning, tact
Professional and computer skills Operating Systems: Windows, Android
Programming languages: C#, C/C++, Lua, Java, SQL, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, G-code
Applications: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio), MS SQL Server, Adobe Photoshop, 3ds Max, AutoCAD
IDE: MS Visual Studio, Unity, Android Studio, GameMaker Studio, GitHub
Future plans Master's degree, work in the gaming industry, self-improvement in IT
Contact information E-mail: hectovlad (at)