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Brief resume

Name Ivanova Nadezhda
Date of birth 15 January, 1995
Place of birth Sengilei, Ulyanovsk region, Russia
Schools 2002–2013, School 1, Sengilei
Universities 2013–2017, Samara State University of Economics, Bachelor Degree in State and municipal management 2017–2019, Donetsk National Technical University, Master Degree in Accounting and audit
Average score 84 course
Languages Native Russian, Basic knowledge of English
Personal achievements Samara, participation in the anti-corruption competition, Samara State University of Economics, the recipient of the appreciation letter for the high achievements in the promotion of physical culture and sports.
Hobbies and interests dancing, reading, music
Personal qualities Dependable, responsible, determined, initiative, able to learn quickly
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows, Android
2. Applications: Microsoft Office, Outlook Express, 1C: Enterprise
3. Programming languages: HTML, CSS
Additional courses, internships, grants English course
Professional experience May, 2017 – Department of planning, forecasting and analysis of agroindustrial complex activity of the Ministry of agriculture of the Samara region, manufacturing practice, assistant professional September, 2018 – SE «Khartsyzsk steel-wire rope plant» «Silur»»)
Future plans A successful defense of master's work, work in the specialty, English improvement, visiting foreign countries, personal self-Development.
Contact information Gmail: nadenkanadjusha@gmail.com