Українська   Русский

Brief resume

Name Regush Gregory
Date of birth Jul 5, 1996
Place of birth Donetsk
School 2002–2013 – Educational complex № 1
Universities 2013–2017 – Donetsk National Technical University, Mining and Geological Faculty, specialty Land Management and Cadastre, bachelor
2017–2019 – Donetsk National Technical University, Mining and Geological Faculty, specialty Land Management and Cadastre, master
Average score 77 (bachelor)
Languages Russian (advanced)
Ukrainian (advanced)
English (average level)
Hobbies and interests Literature (fantasy, history, science fiction), music (no particular favorite genre), active leisure, sports, chatting with friends
Personal qualities Purposefulness, responsibility, learnability, politeness, friendliness, resourcefulness
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows, Android
2. Applied directions: ArcView, AutoCAD, MathCad, МГсети, Digitals, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word), ArcGIS
3. Programming languages: Pascal
4. Development environments: Delphi
Future plans Protection of master’s work with excellent results, improvement of English language skills, job search, in which you can put your knowledge into practice
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