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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Maksimov Alex
Date of birth March 29, 1997
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Donetsk secondary school I-III level №140, 2003–2014
Universities 2014–2018 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation, Specialty «Infocommunication technologies and communication systems», Bachelor
2018–2020 Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation, Specialty «Infocommunication technologies and communication systems», Master
Average score 4,0 (78)
Languages Russian, Ukrainian (proficiency), English (Elementary)
Personal achievements Taken 3rd place at inter-faculty basketball competitions in DonNTU for 3 consecutive years.
Finished the Donetsk School of Music No. 9 in piano.
Hobbies and interests Computer games and games with cards, basketball, billiards, Ping Pong.
Books: science fiction, fantasy, LitRPG.
Rock music, K-pop, music lover.
Personal qualities Writer, poet, musician.
Professional and computer skills MS Office Tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio.
Applications: Cisco Packet Tracer, Matlab, Microsoft Visual Studio, System View.
Operating Systems: Windows XP / 7/10.
Additional courses, internships, grants Are absent.
Future plans Reach a leadership position in this discipline.
Contact information E-mail: alekseimaksimov1997@mail.ru