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Theoretical aspects of accounting of income, the analysis of the organization of accounting of income in conditions of the coal-mining enterprise, questions of audit and labor protection are reflected in work.

On a subject of a research it is published ktattyaImprovement of the registration Donetsk People's Republic of the mechanism. Development of republican standards of accounting of income (0.3 item of l.) in the X Tom of materials I of the International scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists youth science: calls and prospects to which happened to make a speech at the conference of the same name.

In the conditions of market economy key indicator of efficiency of managing, basis of economic development of the enterprise – profit that is the main factor which defines sharpness and need of the solution of problems of improvement of accounting of financial results for the purpose of formation of the reliable base for increase in economic effectiveness of the enterprise. The financial result is a difference between the revenues of the enterprise and expenses connected with receiving such income therefore a question of improvement of accounting of income, along with their increase, acquire special relevance. The practical value of an indicator of income is that it characterizes the total amount of means which arrives to the enterprise for a certain period and minus taxes can be used on consumption and investments.

Now in the Donetsk People's Republic the system of accounting, accepted the Law is formedПro accounting and financial statements, Law About a tax system and other, but did not adopt republican standards of accounting that disturbs creation of a complete system of formation of income, their reflection in financial and tax reports.

In spite of the fact that the principles, the organization and a technique of account, an order of formation of accounting policies of the enterprises of the DPR conform to the international standards, nevertheless there is a number of discrepancies in separate conceptual approaches on their recognition for this reason important there is a need of a research and formation of methodical approaches of definition of income in the system of accounting.

Theoretical and practical aspects of accounting of income are an object of research.

Object of a research is process of accounting of income in the mine.

Research methods: methods of accounting and audit, general scientific methods of the analysis and synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction and economic analysis.

The purpose of work is the analysis of the organization of accounting of income on coal-mining the enterprise and development of the directions its improvement.

For achievement of a goal the following tasks were solved:

– рozkrit theoretical bases of accounting of income: essence and maintenance of income as object of accounting; classification of income; Condition of a problem and legal regulation of income; problem of improvement of accounting of income and formation of accounting policies;

– to make structure about "the ?kt of accounting of income;

– To reveal the organization of primary, analytical, synthetic accounting of income in conditions of the coal-mining enterprise;

– To lay out practice of drawing up financial statements at the enterprise;

– To analyse practice of accounting of income and to develop recommendations about its improvement;

– To lay out audit of income;

– To lay out labor protection at the enterprise.

Information base of work was made scientifically - the educational literature, acts and other standard and legal documents regulating and regulating activity of the enterprise, national and international standards of accounting. In the course of the research publications of domestic and foreign authors, the recommendations of research establishments were used.

In the joint economic mechanism income occupies one of the main positions as they are a component of financial result of activity of the enterprise, so, directly influences the level of its profitability. Accounting of income in the Donetsk People's Republic is regulated provisions (standard) of accounting No 15Income. Income – This increase in an asset or reduction of the obligation which causes growth of equity (except for growth of the capital at the expense of contributions of participants of the enterprise) provided that assessment of income can be authentically defined [1].

In International Financial Reporting Standards income considers how revenue. Revenue – Gross receipts of economic benefits for a certain period during usual activity of the enterprise which leads to increase in the capital which is not connected with contributions of participants of the capital [2].

The list of the used sources

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