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How to Avoid Conflicts About Political Topics on Social Media

Author: Klare Heston
A source: wikiHow


Klare Heston How to Avoid Conflicts About Political Topics on Social Media.The article discusses methods to avoid conflicts on a political topic in social networks.

Many people use social media as a way to share their political views and take political action. In several instances, this activity can be positive and encouraging. It can promote open dialogue and expand social networks. However, in some cases political content posted on social medial can create disagreements, hostility, and conflict. You can post political content without conflict if you are selective in what you post, remain neutral about political issues, and handle potential conflict before it erupts.

Posting Political Content without Conflict

Limit your visibility

One way that you can avoid conflicts about political issues is to set your privacy settings so that only people you approve can see your posts. Limiting your visibility will prevent people that might disagree with your political opinions from seeing your posts. If they can’t see them then they can’t respond to them or create conflict.

Check your facts

One thing that internet trolls look for are posts that contain incorrect information presented as a fact. They often ridicule, share, and leave comments that might create conflict when they find something inaccurate in a post. If you are posting something as a fact, check with various reputable sources to make sure that your information is correct before posting it.

Use humor

Humor is always good at reducing tension and preventing conflict from popping up. In, fact nearly half of people that view political posts view humorous pics, videos, and content. If you want to post political content without causing conflict, consider posting things that are comical.

Remaining Neutral about Political Issues

Be selective in who and what you follow

If you accept all friend requests and follow everyone that requests it, you are bound to see something political on your timeline that upsets you. One way that you can avoid conflict about political topics on social media is to only follow people and topics that interest you and align with your values.

Know who you’re friending

Before you accept friend or follow requests, make sure that you actually know the person making the request. If you know the person, you will have some idea of whether they might post political content that’s controversial.

Resist posting controversial political content

Even though you may have political opinions you want to express, you may want to reconsider doing it through social media. If you don’t post anything that might be controversial, it’s much less likely that you will have a conflict about political topics.

Post neutral political comments

If you want to post political content, you can if you make sure that your posts aren’t controversial. Try to post political content that is neutral, balanced, and fair in order to avoid creating conflict.

Handling Potential Conflict

Avoid responding immediately

There may be times that you see a political post that upsets you. Or, perhaps, something you post causes someone to respond critically or even with hostility. If this occurs, take a few moments to calm down before you respond. This small break will give you the chance to think about the appropriate way to respond without creating more conflict.

Address the issue privately

If someone is trying to argue with you online about political topics you may be able to avoid a conflict if you talk to them in private. Let them know that you don’t want to argue publicly or privately about political issues.

Delete the post

If you’ve posted political content and it’s causing controversy then you should consider deleting the post before it creates greater conflict. Most websites and apps make it easy to remove content that has been posted. Usually you can click ‘help’ and find instructions for removing a comment.