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Financial security of the enterprise is the state of the most efficient use of resources to prevent threats and ensure the stable functioning of the enterprise.

the Main component of an enterprise's economic security is its financial security, since Finance is a measure of the efficiency of the enterprise's functioning. Along with this, the financial security of the enterprise should be considered as an independent object of research through the results of the enterprise's activities. This is evidenced by the fact that financial security occupies a special place in the system of economic security, combining the characteristics of both economic security and the company's finances, affecting absolutely all areas of the company's activity.

Financial security of an enterprise is characterized by a set of quantitative and qualitative parameters of its financial condition, which comprehensively reflects the level of financial security of the enterprise. This set of parameters is formed on the principles of a systematic approach, which allows you to determine the financial security of the enterprise as an independent system that differs from other systems that ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise.

1. Theme urgency

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that ensuring the financial security of industrial enterprises is becoming particularly important in modern economic conditions.

One of the most urgent problems of functioning and development of an industrial enterprise, in conditions of increasing complexity and uncertainty of socio-economic and political environments, is the problem of economic security of the enterprise. The forms of manifestation of threats to economic security are of a different nature and form a complex dynamic system that determines the need to monitor the intensity of threats at different levels of the hierarchy of socio-economic systems.

Financial security of an enterprise is characterized by a set of quantitative and qualitative parameters of its financial state, which comprehensively reflects the level of Financial Protection of the enterprise. This set of parameters is formed on the principles of a systematic approach, which allows us to determine the financial security of the enterprise as an independent system that differs from other systems that ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the work is to develop recommendations for improving the financial security management of an industrial enterprise.

The object of research is the financial security of metallurgical industry enterprises.

The subject of the research is financial security management of the Metallurgical Industry Enterprise.

within the framework of the master's thesis, it is planned to solve problems in the following areas:

  1. study of the concepts of economic and financial security.
  2. determination of the essence and place of the financial component in economic security.
  3. analysis of the financial security management mechanism of the enterprise.
  4. study of the principles of financial security management of an enterprise.
  5. research of methods for assessing equal financial security of an industrial enterprise.
  6. assessment of the optimal level of financial security.
  7. on the basis of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to assess the financial condition of industrial enterprises and identify the features of the organization and management of financial stability of the business entity.


At the end of this work, it should be noted that we considered the essence and place of the financial component in the economic security of the enterprise, and also considered the main goals.

at the same time, it was revealed that the main goal of ensuring financial security is to manage a set of financial risks in order to neutralize them or minimize the negative consequences of their implementation. Achieving this goal is ensured by solving various tasks presented in the work (the risk of insolvency, the risk of loss of financial stability, which is a consequence of inefficient composition and capital structure, primarily excessive attraction of borrowed sources of financing, etc.).

to minimize the presented risks, it is necessary to solve such tasks as identifying hazards and threats, determining indicators of financial security of the enterprise; developing monitoring capabilities.

at the same time, various opinions of the authors were considered, in our opinion, the most acceptable statement is N. I. Reverchuk, who says that the financial security of an enterprise is protection from possible financial losses and Prevention of bankruptcy of an enterprise, achieving the most efficient use of corporate resources. Along with this, the basic principles of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise were also considered, on the basis of which the stable functioning of the enterprise is possible.

in general, the financial security of an enterprise is based on interconnection and compliance with all management principles, which allows the enterprise to be sustainable, respond adequately to dangers and threats, develop and improve in the long term.

this master's thesis will contain analytical research and recommendations for improving these methodological approaches for metallurgical industry enterprises, studying the enterprises of DP ymz and PJSC Severstal.


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