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Brief resume

Name Natalia Galenko
Date of birth 13 November 1978
Place of birth urban-type settlement Aleksandrovka
Schools 1986-1996 Alexandrovskaya general education school of I-III degrees
Universities 2015-2019. Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor's degree);
2019-2022 Donetsk National Technical University (Master's degree).
Average score 4,6
Languages Russian, Ukrainian - native language, French - with a dictionary.
Personal achievements
Hobbies and interests Sports, cooking, travel.
Personal qualities Purposefulness, punctuality, decency, responsibility, honesty, diligence, sociability, benevolence.
Professional and computer skills 1. Mathematical packages: MatLaB, MathCAD.
2. Programming languages: AVR Assembler, VisualBasic.
3. Engineering programs: P-Cad, Micro-Cap, AVR Studio, Microsoft Visual Studio, LabVIEW, Proteus, KOMPAS.
4. Working with OS: Windows, Android.
5.MS Office tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Access.
Additional courses, internships, grants
Professional experience Industrial practice in the Aleksandrovskaya village administration, May 2019
Future plans Short description of future plansSuccessful defense of a master's thesis, search for a promising job with an opportunity for professional and career growth.
Contact information