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Yuliya Fomina

Yuliya Fomina

Faculty: Management and Innovations
Speciality: Quality. Standartization. Certification

Theme of master's work:

Increase of Enterprise Economic Effectiveness by Implementing International Standards

Scientific adviser: Alexandr Momot

About author

Summary of research and developments


The question of enterprise economic effectiveness maintenance is basic for any organisation. The given problem gets the special importance in the conditions of financial crisis. Decrease in the level of world production and consumption, collapse of the share markets and bankruptcy of the largest corporations are not all consequences of world financial crisis in 2008. Necessity of resolute and urgent financial and economic actions for a non-admission of the enterprises hit into «a crisis hole» increases in such conditions more than ever. A basis of such strategy makes not only the analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise, allowing in due time to trace changes in its financial condition, but also introduction of quality management system at the enterprise which assumes formation of policy and purposes in the field of quality that, in turn, by means of techniques and processes set allows to raise the quality, produced goods or given services.


Problems of maintenance of enterprise economic efficiency and branches, undoubtedly, are the object of national economic interests, but their deep essence lies not at macrolevel, but at microlevel - level of the enterprises. More and more scientific works in which necessity of the given problem' decision are devoted to questions of improvement of enterprises' quality activity.The purpose of the given work is to analyse quality management system in a complex with economic efficiency of the enterprise, to consider influence of quality management system at the enterprise on its economic efficiency.

Main Results

Economic efficiency is the productivity of the economic system expressed concerning useful final results of its functioning to spent resources. In standard ISO 9001:2008 throughout all document (in 22 cases) the term «effectiveness» - productivity is applied. In standard ISO 9000:2005 this term means «degree of planned activity' realisation and achievement of the planned results». Thus, from the point of view of modern international standards productivity is one of the main estimated criteria of activity at any enterprise [1,117]. However the result can be interesting and useful in that case when it can be comparable to expenses for its reception. During carrying out of the analysis of enterprise' activity it is necessary to investigate not only productivity, but also efficiency [2]. According to the international standard ISO 9000:2005 efficiency (efficiency) is understood as a parity between the reached result and the used resources. The well-known expert in the field of management Peter Druker understood that «correct work» is done as productivity, and under efficiency – that «business becomes correctly». P.Druker wrote that it is necessary to be defined in the beginning with a strategy choice, with a target orientation of enterprise' activity, with definition of a correct reference point, and then try to reach objects in view with minimum possible expenses [3,114]. Quality of production is a set of properties of the goods causing its suitability to satisfy certain requirements according to appointment. It is fixed for the concrete period of time and changes at occurrence of more progressive technology. The international organisation of standardization (ISO) treats quality as set of characteristics of the object concerning its ability to satisfy established and prospective requirements. Quality of produced goods or given services makes essential impact on satisfaction of requirements of separate consumers and a society as a whole. Improvement of quality promotes increase of efficiency of production use, leading to decrease in expenses and increase in a share of the market. High quality of production provides economical use of material and a manpower resources, stabilisation production process, economic growth, promotes competitiveness increase, and as consequence, economic efficiency of manufacture of the enterprise as a whole raises. According to ISO 9001:2008 the desirable result is reached more effectively when activity and corresponding resources are operated as process. The process model of the enterprise is a basis for carrying out of the processes' analysis which often leads to conclusions about necessity of processes change, both with technological, and with organizational points of view for increase of efficiency of enterprise' functioning in whole (increases in profit, decrease in costs, improvement of quality of production, increase in industrial potential, etc.). Business process (or process) is a steady, purposeful set of the interconnected kinds of activity (sequence of works) which on certain technology will transform inputs to the exits which are valuable for the consumer. Any activity or a complex of actions in which course resources for transformation of inputs to exits are used, can be considered as process. Thus technology, the personnel, the equipment may be belonged to resources. Productivity of process is degree of realisation of the planned activity and achievement of the planned results. Productivity of process is defined as the relation of the sum of actual values to the sum of planned values of criteria. Efficiency of process is a communication between the reached result and the used resources or property of process to yield at the set restrictions on used resources. Efficiency of process of quality management system is defined as the relation of productivity to the resources spent for performance of given process [4, 26]. Criteria of productivity and efficiency is a set of the conditions defining suitability or an optimality of process for the established purposes. Hence for maintenance of economic efficiency of activity of the enterprise it is expedient to develop at the enterprise quality management system, for definition of conclusions about which functioning, it is necessary to measure at first productivity and efficiency of each process, and then to analyse and generalise the received results. The quality management system can be a basis of constant improvement for the purpose of increase in probability of increase of satisfaction, both consumers, and other interested parties. It gives confidence of the organisation and consumers in its ability to deliver production completely corresponding to requirements that in turn, allows to raise competitiveness of the organisation in general.


Thus, quality of produced goods or given services is playing the considerable role in maintenance of economic efficiency of activity of any enterprise. It is necessary to develop quality management system which by granting to consumers of a conformity guarantee of production or service to those either other requirements or standards, allows to optimise economic efficiency that, in turn, promotes increase of enterprise competitiveness that leads to realisation of other not less important purpose for any organisation – to position strengthening on the market. .


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  3. Друкер Питер Ф. Информация, которая действительно нужна руководителю / В кн. Измерение результативности компании: Пер. с англ. – М.: Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2006. – 220 с.
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