Web Pages (1-20 of 9169)
- Reduced state space generation of concurrent systems using weak persistence. - The Petri Nets Bibliography: Reduced state space generation of concurrent systems using weak persistence.
- Function Approximation in the State-Space - Next: Bayesian Priors and Up: No Title Previous: Preliminary Conclusions Function Approximation in the State-Space Bayesian Priors and Regularization A Polynomial Approach Probabilistic Forecasting with Cluster Weighted Local Models Density...
- Khrunichev State Research And Production Space Center - Welcome to the Khrunichev State Research And Production Space Center Anatoly I. Kiselev Khrunichev State Space Center Director General DEVELOPMENT HISTORY SPACE EQUIPMENT AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION Comments mail to InterTec Made by KoKos Pagemaster
- TR 93-75: Manufacturing Cell Formation by State-Space Search - Manufacturing Cell Formation by State-Space Search S.Ghosh, A.Mahanti, R.Nagi, D.Nau Number: TR 93-75 Year:1993 Thrust Area: Systems Integration Keywords: group technology, cellular manufacturing, machine grouping, state-space search, branch-...
- Flexible and Approximate Computation through State-Space Reduction - Flexible and Approximate Computation through State-Space Reduction Authors: Weixiollg Zhang Information Sciences Institute and Department of Computer Science University of Southern California 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 E-mail...
- Iowa State Space Society Web Page - IOWA STATE SPACE SOCIETY Goals and Objectives * Creating a space-faring civilization which will establish communities and industries beyond the Earth. * Fostering a unique , global perspective of the Earth, its People, and its Environment. ...
- State Space Planner - State Space Planner
- ELE 749: State Space Control Systems - ELE749: State Space Control Systems. A 7th semester course in advanced control.
- Course Code 23170 - Multivariable Controller Design in State Space - Course Code 23170 - Multivariable Controller Design in State Space Catalog Data: SS, 2 lecture hours (Föllinger), 2 IC, 3 EC Prerequisites: System Dynamics Control Engineering Textbooks/Required Material : Föllinger, Otto: Regelungstechnik, 8th...
- The RealPoint state space - The RealPoint state space
- The State-Space Method of solving DE's - The State-Space Method of solving DE's
- Illegal State Space Identification for Sequential Circuit Test Generation (March-1999) - Up: Conference and Journal Publications Illegal State Space Identification for Sequential Circuit Test Generation Abstract Test generation for (synchronous) sequential circuits (STPG) has a huge search space, which often prevents successful test...
- References on State-Space Models - References on Bayesian Analysis of State-Space Models Carlin, B.P., N.G. Polson, and D.S. Stoffer (1992), "A Monte Carlo Approach to Nonnormal and Nonlinear State-Space Modeling," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 493-500. Carter.
- SSPACK-State - Space Systems Package - SSPACK is an interactive environment to perform model-based signal processing using the recursive U-D Kalman filtering techniques.
- SSPACK-State - Space Systems Package - SSPACK is an interactive environment to perform model-based signal processing using the recursive U-D Kalman filtering techniques.
- Chaos: State Space - State Spaces Life is usually easier if we imagine the states of a dynamical system as points in space. Points on the cylinder can be used to represent all possible states of our pendulum, for example. The "lengthwise" position of the point...
- GP Mailing list archive: Dr. Dobb's Article (GA ignores state space info) - Index: [thread] [date] [subject] [author] [about] From: Keith, Mike <Mike.Keith@ab.com> To : genetic-programming@cs.stanford.edu <genetic-programming@cs.stanford.edu> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 10:58:33 -0500 Dr. Dobb's Article (GA ignores state space..
- State-Space - State-Space Purpose Implement a linear state-space system. Parameters and Dialog Box A, B, C, D The matrix coefficients. Initial conditions The initial state vector. Characteristics Direct Feedthrough Only if D 0 Sample Time Continuous Scalar...