Welcome to soft rain of April home page.
This page was created on 31 of November,1999 by Fadi A. Alzebdeh.
It was modified on 14 of March,2000.
1) biography - it shows the author's part life and few details about him.
At the mean time, there are several pictures of format jpg describes
few sceines of Kuwait. On the screen also you'll notice a moving messages
going from right to left side.One is shown at the of the page with a
choosen color and it's "pictures about Kuwait...!!!".
At the end of the page you'll notify another message "my home town...
like a soft rain...!!!".
- 2) degrees - On this menu , one picture is shown of jpg format showing a
memorial photo of fadi's class mates and brief detials about this
acheivements.Altough there is a moving message from right to left carries
a message "my sweet days...!!!".
- 3) entertainment - Here in this menu the owner of the home page has taken a
midi composition remixed for Bruce DeBoer called "Today".At same the time
you'll be in need of a player to run the music which is executed automa-
tically as soon as you enter to the entertainment page. The music is
takeonme.mid format.
There is also a moving message from right to left "have some fun".
- 4) post_me - This page allows to the reader to have the ability to contact
with the author by mail.So, the author's mail box address is writted for
anyone who would like to post him something in the future time.
At the page, the picture of the movie brave heart is illustrated and mov-
ing from right to left . At the moment of entering to the this page,you
will listen to brave.wav voice file.besides, another message flows on
the screen with the usual direction and it's "contact me and don't hesi-
tate!". At the bottom of the page the author dominstrated his picture
in a small format which moves from right to left with a little fading.
- 5) check this - a congradulation page with the celebration Eid Al-Adha
for muslims. And this page was designed by the Hussam Yasin from Mariupol
city and was gifted to the author as well.You'll listen to a voice coming
to you with format salat.wav and this voice is called in arabic language
as Azan to alert to prayers' time.
- This home page will be modfied with the passage of time to better
and better.It shows only a small experience of the author working
with html.This home page is submitted to the subject's supervisor
of html and Java A. Y. Anopreaka.
----- I hope you'll like it-----
copy rights are reserverd.It's allowed if the author will agree.
Fadi A. Alzebdeh