Sientific activity
At present I concern with masiv parallel simulation ambience for the net
object with lumped parameters. I have publications in this thematic :
Pererva A. Topology
analyzer parallel models of net object (in russian).
//Sientific works of TU Donetsk. Series "Information,
cybernetic and computer technic" (ICCT-99). - Donetsk: DSTU. - 1999. - P.72-77.
Pererva A. Generator and decider of
equations. (in russian).
//Sientific works of TU Donetsk. Series "Information,
cybernetic and computer technic" (ICCT-2000). - Donetsk: DSTU. - 2000.
Galasov,R.A., Lapko,V.V., Pererva,A.A., Rasinkov,D.S., Svjatnyj,V.A.
Parallele Simulation von industriellen
Grubenbewetterungsnetzen. Tagungsband 13.Symposium
Simulationstechnik ASIM '96 in Weimar, 343-348.
List of adresses
Message passing interface
- Documents
- Online
- Official Message Passing Interface (MPI) Homepage.
MPI-Forum.Org is the official homesite of the MPI Forum
and contains official Forum documents and the MPI Standard documents in
a variety of formats.
- Argonne MPI.
The Argonne National Lab MPI Homepage has a large collection
of accumulated information about MPI, including pointers to
implementations and tutorials by the site maintainers and others.
- Official MPICH Homepage.
The Official MPICH Homepage has buttons for downloading MPICH in
various forms, buglists, patchfiles, and other MPICH-related stuff.
- Australian National University.
The Australian National University site contains information
on the implementation of MPI on the Fujitsu AP1000 multicomputer located
at the Australian National University as well as various links to other
MPI information.
- Mississippi State University.
Contains pointers to MPI resources on the Web, pointers to implementations,
pointers to tutorials, pointers to libraries, and other things.
Home site of the MPI FAQ.
- Netlib.
Netlib has a fairly large repository of MPI information. It contains such
items as the original MPI1 proposal and minutes from several of
the MPI Forum meetings.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Oak Ridge maintains a well-organized resource center for MPI-related materials.
- Notre Dame LAM.
Notre Dame is now the home location for information about LAM, one
of the public domain MPI implementations.
- MPI Validation Suite
Intel's "MPI Validation Suite" is now available to the public. To
download a copy, please visit the site above.
- News
- Implementations
- Many of the MPI WWW pages have information about the various
MPI implementations. The Ohio Supercomputing Center is attempting to
maintain a comprehensive list of implementations at
Information such as the supplier, current version, help contact, etc. can
be found there.