I was born on July 28,
1978. In 1985 I have gone to the first class of a comprehensive school no. 119, which was finished in 1995. My favourite subjects is: physics, computer science, chemistry, geography and physical culture. Per school years took a great interest in sports - sweeming, struggle, " a hunt for the foxes. In last kind of sports has achieved high results - has become the absolute champion in All-Union competitions taking place in Sumy (1991), received prize-winning places in the International competitions. In 1995 has acted (arrived) in Donetsk state technical university on a speciality "Engineering and technology of investigation of deposits of minerals". On the first rate the study was given hardly, but is farther, as is spoken, has come in taste. In 1999 successfully has passed the state examination and has received a degree aaeeaa?a of mountain business. Now I study on magister. The theme of my
scientific work is: " Development of the device for
increase of mechanical speed of drilling". The
principle of work of the device is based on use arising
during drilling, longitudinal fluctuations of a boring
column. More in detail about my scientific development
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