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The my photo must be this ALEX V. KONDRASHOV
bushelor of the ingeneering mehanical,
magistrant, DonSTU, fasility
"Mashine-tools and tools for cutting metal"

hause: Artuoma-street, h.210-a, fl. 62, Donetsk, Ukrainian, 83122
work: struct.6 of DonSTU, aud. 201а, 202г or struct.6's buffet, sq.Dzerzinscy, 1, Donetsk, Ukrainian, 83000


I was born on July 15, 1976 in  Donetsk-sity in family of the worker and employee. Early of began to read, I are interested of reading till now, I prefer a fantasy and historical novels.In 1983 has entered in eight-year school ¹ 62 cities of Donetsk. During study at school I  liked of avia-modeling and vessels-modeling, swimming and desktop tennis, to visited in the " CLUB of the young seamen ". Last two years of study at school was trained in the experimentally created special class with the profound study of mathematics. Has ended school in 1991year.

         In that 1991 has entered in  Donetsk Polytechnical School on a speciality " Installation and operation of an electric equipment of the industrial enterprises and civil buildings ". During study in a technical school executed public duties the chief of group. Has ended a technical school of April 1,1995. I have a civil speciality the technical-electrician.

         Since April till August, 1995 worked the electromechanic of the 3-rd category on substation "Smolyanka-220" of the Kirov enterprise of electrical networks of industrial association "Donbassenergo". The work on substation has allowed me to develop and to deepen professional skills.

         Since September 1, 1995 I  entered in Donetsk State technical university on a speciality "Machine tools and systems for cutting a metals ". In University entered by results of participation in reiting's tests. During study at university accepted active participation in his scientific life. Took a part in university Olympiads on  plotting geometry, physics, theoretical mechanics (1 place) and electrical engineer (2 places). In 1997 participated in Inter-Ukrainian to Olympiad of the theoretical mechanics in Ivano-Frankivsk, has reseived 5-th place.

         Parallel to training on the basic speciality, since 1997   was trained in Facilty of retraining of the staff of our university on a speciality " The computer-systems of processing of the information and management ". In the summer of 1999 has finished training on this speciality, I have the diploma of the younger expert with distinction. Also during training at university has passed a rate training on military faculty, I have a military speciality.

         In 1999 has passed the state examination on a level of the bachelor at the basic  speciality; I have the barchelor's degree of the engineering mechanics with distinction. In the present moment I  study in magistr-school on the basic speciality. My scientific interests: units of friction (bearings), search of new materials for bearings and development of new designs of units of friction, methods and means of test of bearings. I am interested also by application of methods and means of computer tehnologies in research process. I take a great interest in information technologies (programming in various languages, creation of the various documents, Web-design, computer's grafic) and tourism.