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У вас є можливість прочитати теж саме українською мовою
DonSTU "Technology of machinbulding"
magistr, prof.Mechailov A.N.
Adress:340058 Ukraine,Donetsk-city,.Ogloblinna-street,4/34
tel. (0622) 99-63-50
In the year of 1995 I was completed Donetsk state techical college.after that I was joined in Donetsk State Techinical University,faculty of Mechanical speciality 7090202 "Technology of machin building ".In 1999 year I was completed graduation "ingineering machanics "and appropriated qualification by bachlar digree in 2000 year entered in magistery there stady in this time.
Theme of the scientific work "Elaboration and invistigation of module method of the technology productiong the parts of hudro apparatars on a base of automatics rotoring lines".
The main specialist in this branch prof.Bazrov B.N.