ukr rus

student of group ÝÀÏÓ-96-á, magistr of electrotechnical department
83000 Ukraine, Donetsk, Artema street, 58
Donetsk state technical university (DonSTU)
Electrotechnical department , tel. 93-22-85
Cathedra " Electric Drive and automation of plants", tel.91-03-35

I was born in 1979 in city Torez, in Donetsk region In 1996 has finished 11 classes of a comprehensive school ¹10 .

In 2000 has received qualification of the bachelor on a speciality " Electromechanical system of automation and electric drive "DonSTU .

With 2000-2001 ãã. - training in magistrature under the direction of the candidate of engineering science, senior lecturer of faculty EAP Tolochko O.I. Subject of work is the analysis electrical and mechanical systems with regulaters and observers.

Diploma Publication Reference About myself