I was born on August 14, 1979 in the town Dokuchayevsk Donetsk region. Our town is famous for its flux-and-dolomite group of enterprises, numerous open pits, friendly and hard-working people. Dokuchaevsk is 40 kilometres from Donetsk. The above-mentioned group of enterprises produced thing necessary for metallurgical, chemical and food industries.
In 1985 I went to school ¹1 of Dokuchayevsk. In 1995 I got the Certificate of Secondary Education. All my warmest memories are about my school-life. I liked going to school when a child.
In the same year my life-time dream came true. I passed my entrance examinations and entered the Electrotechnical Faculty of Donetsk state Technical University, speciality "Electrical systems and networks". The Chair of Electric systems prepares specialists and masters that provide management of working condition of electric systems on the basis of computertechnologies (automated working places of engineers, telemechanics and experts).
In 2000 I received a diploma of Bachelor of Electrotechnics. From February till June 2001 I worked at my master's thesis on the topic "Diagnostics of the phase regulator of the arc control reactor". In the work the outcomes of simulation on a computer of phase measuring organs of regulators of ground-fault neutraliser are adduced. On the basis of outcomes of calculation the requirements to the scheme of self-testing are compounded. The functional check of the regulator by repair staff to be executed through the generator of test signals. Its principal diagram is adduced.
The supervisor of studies is an assistant professor, candidate of technical sciences Kobazev Vladimir Pavlovich.