Was born in november,2,in 1978. Our city well known by its industrial and workers potencial. In 1985 went to secondary school no77, but in 1991 went inexperemental collage no30, where studing were lead by several brunches, such as linguistics, mathematics and fisical culture. In 1995 get an attestation on schools graduating. At the 96 year take an exames in
Donetsk state politecnical university at electrotechnical faculty, by "Electrical systems and networks" speciality. Our cafedra "Electrical systems and networks" gives specialists and magistrers to deliver menegment of operating conditions basing at modern automatic and computers technologes (automotyzied engeneers workplaces with help of IBM and TVmechanics, expert systems). In 2000 year got an bacalavrs diploma from electrotechnics. From february to june 2001 - work on creating magisters work named "Diagnosis of air gap in an inductiqn motor". Sceins supervizor is professor, doctor of technical sceinses: Rogozin Georgiy GrigorevichHobbies: literature and sport.
My hopes: good work (good for my heart and soul) on my spesiality.