Was born in 1979 in the town Àvdeevka. Its population is 30000. Bigest enterprise in the town - Avdeevka`s coke oven plant. In 1996 graduated school ¹7 in Àvdeevka. In september 1996 I entered Donetsk state technical university (DSTU). In 2000 I finished complete course of education programm with professional direction 0708 "ECOLOGY", spesiality 6.070805 "Applied Ecology" and got the qualification of Bachelor. In july 2001 got the qualification of Magister.
The theme of magister`s work is "Ecologic and economic estimation of investment project on the Avdeevka`s coke oven plant". Instructor of my magister`s work - Victoriya Vladimirovna Mnuskina. I like a football, especially italian, japan crossword, dance music, intellectual game.