MOROZOV Valentine Vladimirovich
magister of group AE-96
chair of Applied ecology and environment protection (AEEP),
faculty of ecology and chemical technology (FECT)
Fido: 2:465/253@fidonet
I was born in Donetsk, the 1st of June, 1979.
With 1985 for 1996 studied in high school #14 of Donetsk. In high classes with the chemical and mathematical profile. Has ended school with a gold medal.
Studying in 11-th form has passed rating testing on chemistry in DonSTU on a speciality "Applied ecology". In outcome, having 60 balls, was entered to university without any additional entrance examinations.
Later choosing between set of specialties and HIGH SCHOOLS (not only Donetsk), has stopped the choice on ecology in DonSTU. The choice was provoked by set of the factors as personal sympathies to ecological activity as family tradition.
Impressions for five years of training from student's life has received above roofs. That it would be desirable to mark as dominant flexibility and openness of native chair in relation to the students, in matching with other chairs and faculties, and also the interesting set of disciplines and interesting, can be a little bit exotic for technical HIGH SCHOOL, subjects of educational works.
The subject of my magisters work was not offered incidentally. It enables me to use the skills in an sphere of ecological and information technologies, foreign materials and ecological software products (due to work in UkrNTEC). My scientific chief - senior lecturer, Ch. J.L. Popov.
In 2000 I have received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a speciality "Applied ecology" (qualification - ecology) and diploma of the low expert with distinction on a speciality "Computer systems of information processing and management" (qualification - techniques-systems engineering) at Donetsk State Technical University (DonSTU). I have received the diploma of the master with distinction on a speciality "Applied ecology" in 2001 year.
Experience of practical operation in the field of an ecology and computer science: from the end of 90-th years I work at the Ukrainian centre of a technical ecology "UkrNTEC" on the position the ecologist - programmer:
take part in organization of a computer facilities department, development and implantation of modern access methods to the information of the centre;
realization of consultation services concerning to ecological software in Ukraine;
writing of software on support of the ecological reporting, which one have passed mandatory certification in the Ministry of ecological resources of Ukraine, and are recommended all over Ukraine (NormPlus, InventeR, VolumeR);
involvement in the project of national inventory of ejections of heavy metals by firms, as the main performer of software of all life cycle of the process: collection, accumulation, storage, analysis and reports under the information;
writing of software products for certification of firms on the international standard ISO 14000 "Environmental management systems";
writing of software products on automation of operation of the own subdivision.
Main scientific profits: methods and resources of computer simulation of ecosystems, methods and systems of designing, ecological data bases, other intelligence systems.
Other favours and passions: per school and student's years actively was engaged and I fond by sport swimming, aquariums, free programming, I adore sci-fi and fantasy literature, mathematical puzzles, a lot of time I conduct in the network (Fidonet, Internet).