In the book by E.Ju. Bezuglaja "Air Pollutin Quality Monitoring in Towns" results of experimental investigations of urban air pollution are contained. Description of the present air pollution monitoring systems is given. The main problems are cosidered related to increasing of representativity, informativity and consistency of information and ways to solve them. Methods of statistical processing of observation data on pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere, distribution law, time-spacial structure of concentration fields, means of crytical analysis of observtion data are descrubed.Investigation results of relation beween parameters of noxious pollutant emissions, climatic conditions of pllutant diffusionin the atmosphere and the developing level of urban air basin pollution are stated.
The ways are shown to account for effect ofmeteorogical factors in activity aimed at including elaboration of maximum permissible emissions of noxious pollutants, compilation of complex territorial schemes of the environment protection and so on.
The book is intended for a wide circle of specialists dealing with scientific and practical activuity in the field of air protection.