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PISMENNIY Alexander Anatolievich

86156, m-n "Zeleniy" 66/21, Makeyevka, Ukraine


I was born 5 of july, 1979 in Makeyevka Donetsk area. Since 1987 to 1996 I studied at secondary school ¹ 50 in Makeyevka. From school subjects I liked the informatics, mathematics and physical culture most of all.

I entered Donetsk state technical university (DSTU) on the faculty of "Economy and management", speciality -"Economy of enterprise (specialization coal industry)" after finishing school in 1996.

In 2000 I received qualification of the bachelor on the speciality "Economy and entreprise" and entered in magistracy on speciality "Economy of enterprise" (the coordinator Evdokimov F.I. - chief manager "Economy and marketing").

First recearch was conducted on direction "Estimation of attractiveness investment projects of enterprises technical rearmament ". During undertaking this study appear the question about necessary methods to use for estimation of efficiency investment projects in conditions with transitional economy of Ukraine. So, at present, conducting on direction: "Improvement of estimation methods of investments efficiency in technical rearmament of enterprises".

After graduate of magistracy I plan to continue education in post-graduate course of high school.

Professional interests: estimation methods of investment projects efficiency, estimation of risk factors and its account on activity of enterprises.

I am interesting in weightlifting, programming, interest by cars, ache for FC "Dynamo Kiev", have a skills of work in Internet. I want to take possession of web-design and study english.

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