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I was born on the 9th of May in 1979, in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk Region (Ukraine).

In 1986, I enrolled in High School #40, which I finished with honors. In 1996, I won the third place at a regional school contest in mathematics, and it was without examinations that I enrolled into DonGTU's "Economics and Management" department.

In 2000, after receiving the title of baccalaureate, I entered into the magistracy of the department of Management and Economic Civil Law, whose teaching staff is one of those who are the most qualified in the department.

The thesis of my scientific research work is dedicated to management of an enterprise in the sphere of foreign economic activities (FEA), since an entry in the world marketplace for many domestic enterprises is very urgent because of stagnation and instability of the domestic market.

Besides theoretical knowledge which I has been obtaining in DonGTU for a period of five years, I support and improve the same in practice. It has been three years in a for a period of two summer months sinse I worked on a par with everybody in the financial department of SC "Concern Stirol".

My interests are

Beyond my basic activity — studies at the university and continuation of scientific research work — I have got a number of hobbies: