The substantiation of ways of rock consolidation of seam roof with the help of application of a roof bolting.


Kravchuk R.N. Gr. MUF - 96"b"
Master: N. Kasyan;


The relevant role in an increase in the effectiveness of production (cost reduction of production, growth(increase) of labour productivity, the safety control both rhythmicities of activity of mines and ore mines) plays a solution of a problem of rational attachment and reliable roadway maintenance. Used fix, despite of high specific consumption of materials, do not content(fit) in some cases to geological conditions, in which one they are applied, and do not respond the modern requirements of a further increase in the effectiveness of production. Therefore now for maintenance of the maintenance-free contents of developments(manufactures) the creation and intrusion of new designs of supports having large lift capability and smaller metal consumption(power-to-weight ratio) is conducted. To number of such supports concern also anchor, which one will be used not only for attachment of underground mine workings, but also for holding abrupt mining declines in a high ground terrain and sides of opencasts at the open mining of mineral resources, and also for the different auxiliary purposes.

The roof bolting consists of a system of anchor rods (wood, metallical, concrete, plastic etc.) consolidated in the drilled contoured development(manufacture) wells and lift capability, intended for increase, of rocks at the expense of binding and holding of its(her) separate layers or units depending on a structural constitution of rocks containing development(manufacture).

The anchor in turn consists of a rod, lock and strainer. The lock of an anchor serves for fastening of a rod in rock, and strainer (nut, wedge and т. д.) - for creation in a rod of an anchor of a preliminary tension with the purpose of reduction(decreasing) development of rock deformation. In anchors, the rods which one are consolidated on all length of well, latch the device, and also preliminary tension in rods can miss.

The locks of anchors place or in steady rocks above than contour of natural equilibrium, or in layers of rocks migrating with safe speed, providing a stable state of mine workings.

The lift capability of rocks with a roof bolting reaches such limits, at which one they are not blasted under effect of a rock pressure for want of in development(manufacture) of carrier fix, and are capable only continuously(smoothly) to hog without a gap.

The anchors are used by a constant and temporary support, and also for the different auxiliary purposes. As a permanent support they will be used as independently, and in combination to other kinds(views) of supports. The roof bolting in a speed key with and concerns to them with bulkhead supports. Defends rocks from access of air and prevents their eolation and destruction. Besides having high strength, considerably enhances(strengthens) a design fix. As a whole in a combined support executes(designs) a role of a fissile tightening.

The temporary roof bolting on nature of activity is subdivided on bolstering and enclosuring.

The bolstering temporary roof bolting is intended for an avoidance of a roof fall of rocks before exponentation of a permanent support.

In an enclosuring temporary support the anchors serve for the suspension of safety overlaps(blockings) shadowing people and machine from falling out chunks from a roof of development(manufacture).

The anchors will be used also for strengthening of the mine equipment, suspension of cables, ventilation and water-supply pipes, repair of mine workings and т. Item.

The perennial case record of a roof bolting has shown, that this support can be applied in a broad band of rocks on a stability and their structural constitution as independently, and in combination to supports of a bolstering type, and in-situ concrete.

Depending on a structural constitution of rocks of a roof of the form(shape) of section(cross-section) of development(manufacture) distinguish five main conditions of its(her) application:

·       Laminated rocks direct or the followings are hanged by anchors to a main roof;

·       Different layers, being cemented by anchors, will derivate a split beam protecting roof from a roof fall (case "of «cross-link");

·       About each anchor the chunks of fitchery ground nestle to one another, derivating the strong unit. In this case on perimeter of development(manufacture) with the help of an anchor the ring of such units bolstering one another, as in an immovable arch is made;

·       In jointed homogeneous high-power rock the roof bolting protects development(manufacture) from a fall of separate chunks at deployment of natural cracks under effect of a rock pressure;

·       At realization on a hardly jointed laminated massif with a contour close conterminous to a dome of natural equilibrium, the roof bolting protects development(manufacture) from and emptying of rocks.

300 types of a roof bolting fastening, distinguished by a way, stuff and design are known from above.

The typeselection of a roof bolting depends on a number(series) of the geologic, mine technical and technological factors. To these factors concern: a constitution and physical-mechanical characteristics of rocks, degree of a disturbance and  of fields, depth of mining, spacing interval between seams, configuration, assigning and service life of development(manufacture), condition of its(her) exploitation, consumption, cost,  and strength properties of stuffs of a roof bolting, manufacturability of manufacturing and support setting.

All diversity of designs can be systematized as follows. As a stuff for manufacturing fix the polymers, gum are applied an arbor, metal, reinforced concrete. By the form distinguish one-latch, two-latch, multilatch and  anchors. To fastening of anchors in well apply following ways: mechanical, chemical, explosive; besides for same purpose will use cement slurry. The locks of anchors are be wedge,  spreader and screw(propeller). On number of rods distinguish one-beam, two-beam and multibeam anchors. They can be rigid and nonrigid (cable, wire) with the periodic, round and corrugated structure(profile). The support members (spacer) can be spherical, flat and curly. For a preliminary tension of anchors will use a threaded pair in latch or tailpiece and keyings in an installation site of support members. Support distinguish rigid and yielding, to its(her) exponentation apply the engine driven and manual ways.

From reduced it is visible, that the roof boltings about matching with supports of a bolstering type have large capabilities from the point of view of mechanization of processes of attachment and usage of strength properties of stuffs fix. It provides considerable economies of material and labor costs.

It is necessary to mark, that each phylum of an anchor does not mate in itself of all advantages intrinsic to this kind(view) fix, and has definite combination of positive qualities, which one predetermine his(its) rational field of application. At installation of a field of application of different phylums of anchors to the count the following factors were received: strength of fastening, operating characteristic fix, cost of an anchor, manufacturability of his(its) manufacturing, simplicity of the installation, capability re-usable and consumption of a stuff.

The problem of perfecting and designing of anchors gives large attention, as for us, and abroad.

The perfect designs metallical,  and cemented roof bolts, and also anchors from the natural, pressed and plasticized timber are built.

In  the metallical and wood anchors of heightened lift capability are designed, the strength of fastening which one in wells reaches structural limit of a rod on a gap (60 - 180 кN).

With the purpose of a strength improvement of fastening in wells of wood anchors it is recommended to establish(set) them in wells with  on a tumulus by the given part, and also to consolidate rods with application of ampulas with a resin and hardener.

For increase of lift capability of metallical anchors with  the sleeve in USA builds their types with two and three sleeves. The large attention is given to creation of cemented roof bolts with the prestressed reinforcement.

Now in domestic and foreign practice more 600 different designs metallical, concrete, plastic, cable and other types of anchors are known, which one for the first time are classified.

The roof bolting is applied worldwide with a developed mining industry: USA, Canada, Great Britain, Virginiums, Spain, Australia and т. д.

The roof bolting will be used in a broad band of attachment as dissecting, preforming and other mine workings, and at an actual mining of mineral resources. The field of application her(it) in a speed key with other kinds(views) extends fix (bulkhead, in-situ concrete), and also for the different auxiliary purposes.                



List of the used literature:


1.          Широков А.П. Теория и практика применения анкерной крепи. – М., Недра, 1981, 391 с.

2.          Широков А.П. и др. Расчет анкерной крепи для различных условий применения. - М., Недра, 1976, 207 с.

3.          Широков А.П., Лидер В.А., Дзауров М.А. и др. Анкерная крепь: Справочник. - М., Недра, 1990, 205 с.

4.          Ташбет Ю. В. Использование анкерной крепи на сланцевых шахтах. – Уголь, 1983, № 1, с. 24-25.


